Chapter 11: Just Plain Crazy

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Tiny lemon between Niesha and Amy......Okay it might be a full lemon, don't know yet. But anyways hope you enjoy!
(Normal Pov) (With Niesha and Amy) (NightTime)

Okay so like some of you remembered, Niesha and Amy were holding hands walking home. The two kept stealing looks. Niesha would often sigh and squeeze Amy's hand. Amy would smile when she did that. Anyway the girls finally made it home and sat down on the couch. Niesha crossed her arms as Amy grabbed the remote and turned on the TV

"Hey Niesha?" Amy continued to stare at the TV while Niesha eyed her

"Yes?" Niesha reponsed slowly. Amy turned towards her and sighed

"Well ever since I found out Shadow and Sonic were going out, I've been thinking." Amy replied

"About what?" Niesha questioned her

"About just giving up on Shadow." Amy rubbed her eyes. Niesha's eyes widen as she stared at Amy

"I mean, its known that Shadow doesn't like me no more. I'm guessing Sonic is the same way with you." Amy continued as Niesha sighed. She grabbed Amy's hand and interwinted their fingers. Amy blushed and looked at Niesha to see her looking at their hands

"Listen Amy, I understand where your coming from and I've been thinking the same thing. Mainly because Sonic doesn't see me as his lover anymore, just a friend who is madly in love with him." Niesha laughed a sad laugh and looked at Amy

"Love is mainly about two people who can't keep each other off their minds. They think about all day and when they see the person, they get nervous, shy, the feeling of butterflies in the pits of their stomach, but mostly." Niesha leaned forward so her and Amy's lips were so close it looked it they were touching. Niesha brushed her lips over Amy's

"The two always show their love for one another, even in front of friends, family, old lovers, and haters because they wouldn't care what the haters say." Niesha whispered to Amy. Niesha smiled and pulled away from Amy, but kept holding her hand. Niesha looked at their intertwined hands again and smiled softly

"So I learned something else as well. If you love someone, but their in love with someone else, let them go. It'll make them happy and you'll be happy for them and their new lover." Niesha stated. Amy smiled softly, but then frowned

"Well I'm ready to give up on Shadow, but I just do-" Niesha kissed Amy with her eyes closed tightly. Amy sat there shocked but soon kissed back.

(Warning: Lemon starts here! If you don't like lemons then skip it!)

Niesha laid Amy down on her back on the couch. Niesha then grabbed the remote and turned off the TV making the living room dark, except for the hallway light that was shinning into the living room. Niesha pulled away from the kiss as Amy whimpered in protest. Niesha smiled softly and nuzzled Amy

"Say you're over Shadow." Niesha hissed as she slipped her hands into Amy's shirt. Amy moaned and closed her eyes slightly. 3 seconds later Niesha still didn't hear Amy say anything. Niesha growled and picked up Amy. She ran upstairs into her room. She threw Amy onto her bed and locked her room door. Niesha then walked over to Amy and got onto the bed with her. Niesha crawled on top of Amy and pulled Amy's shirt off to reveal Amy's white lacy bra. Niesha then undid Amy's bra. Niesha smirked and attacked Amy's neck while playing with her breast. Amy gasped and moaned. She tugged on Niesha's shirt and whimpered. Niesha stopped her motions, shook her head, and looked at Amy, who was constantly whimpering

"Say you're over Shadow." Niesha demanded. Amy closed her eyes as she felt Niesha pull down her shorts. Once Niesha got Amy's shorts off, she pulled her white panties off as well. As Niesha looked at Amy, she slid one of her fingers onto Amy's womanhood and rubbed it slowly, causing Amy to whimper and moan.

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