Chapter Three: Hanging Out

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Okay new chapter! Plus I'm gonna change the summary for the story up a bit. Plus this chapter may suck = P

Previous Chapter

"He isn't half bad. His cooking might be better than Amy's." Shadow thought...

(Normal Pov)

Shadow and Sonic ate their breakfast in silence. The only thing they could hear was the ticking of a clock that was in the living room. Suddenly Shadow's phone ranged. He went into the living room and answered it


"Hey Shadow its Rouge. You wanna meet up at my house with the gang?" Rouge asked

"Sure why not." Shadow replied

"Oh and hey. Could you invite Sonic for me?" She questioned

"Sure." He looked into the kitchen to see Sonic cleaning the table

"Okay, thanks! See ya later!" Rouge smiled through the phone

"Okay bye." Shadow hung up and went into the kitchen to see Sonic now washing dishes

"Let me do the dishes." Shadow said. Sonic shook his head

"Nope. I got it. You let me stay here so the least I can do is clean and cook." Sonic smiled. Shadow smiled a small smile

"No, you cooked this morning. Just let me do the dishes." Shadow stated. He reached on the pan handle that was on the counter, but Sonic grabbed it first, making Shadow grip Sonic's hand. They looked at each others hand then at each other blushing. Both of them then let go

"S-sorry." Shadow stuttered

"It's o-okay." Sonic replied. He grabbed the pan again and went over to the sink with it

"R-rouge wanted me to invite you over to her house. The whole gang is suppose to be there." Shadow told. Sonic immediately stopped washing dishes

"Okay I guess." He replied

"Please don't tell me Niesha is gonna be there." Sonic thought....


"Come on Sonic! We got to go!" Shadow shouted from downstairs

"I'm coming!" Sonic shouted back from upstairs. He was in his room looking for his phone. When he found it, he grabbed his dog tag and put it around his neck. He raced downstairs and met Shadow by the door

"Okay let's go." Sonic stated. Shadow opened the door and walked out with Sonic behind him

"Are we taking my car or yours?" Shadow asked

"Yours." Sonic replied. They jumped into Shadow's black dodge avenger (I think that what it's called) and drove away...

(10 Mins Later)

Shadow pulled up into Rouge's drive way. He and Sonic got out the car and walked up to her door. Knocking three times, they waited for Rouge to open the door. Rouge opened it and smiled

"Come on in." She moved out of the way, letting the two guys in. Suddenly a red blur ran into the living room, tackling Sonic to the ground

"Oh my god Sonic! I was so worried! Where did you go yesterday night!?" Niesha questioned. Sonic gently pushed her off

"Remember we broke up and you kicked me out." Sonic spat. Niesha sighed

"I was just worried about my Sonikku." She said. Sonic blushed. Shadow growled on the inside. He felt a little.....jealous? He shook the feeling off and seen Sonic stand up

Sonadow: Love Is Hard {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now