Chapter 8: Morning (Sonadow Moment)

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Here's another chapter! Sorry for not updating sooner. I've been moving into a new house and its been getting in the way of my typing time. I hope y'all enjoy! And there's a little fluff (or lemon) in this chapter!
(Normal Pov) (The Next Day)

Sonic woke up and yawned

"Goodmorning Blueboy." Exe stated

"What's up?" Sonic thought tiredly. Exe chuckled

"Nothing much, just waiting for Dark to wake up." Exe replied. Sonic shook his head softly. He carefully got out of Shadow's bed, making sure not to wake the dark male. As soon as his body weight was off the bed, Shadow's arm shot up and pulled him back down. Sonic gasped as Shadow got on top of him

"What's going on?" Dark woke up. He looked out and seen that Shadow was on Sonic. Dark began to get excited

"Hells yes!! We finally get some fucking attention!" Dark started thrusting the air. Exe facepalmed. Sonic blushed and looked into Shadow's eyes. Shadow smiled softly and intertwined their hands. He put Sonic's hands over his head and smirked

"How ya doing blueboy?" Shadow questioned as he nuzzled Sonic. Sonic giggled and smiled

"Good, I just woke up." Sonic replied. Shadow smirked and moved his hands to Sonic's waist. Sonic blushed and left his hands where they were. Shadow chuckled and kissed Sonic. Sonic's eyes widen then closed after a few seconds.

"Yes!!!" Dark cheered as he jumped around the room

"Why are you cheering?" Exe questioned

"Because something sexual is about to happen!" Dark replied. Exe facepalmed once again. Shadow moved down and began kissing Sonic's neck. Sonic moaned and wrapped his arms around Shadow's neck. Shadow smirked

"What is up with all the touchy feely moments?" Exe questioned

"I have no idea but I'm lovin' it!" Dark smirked. Exe facepalmed again. Sonic groaned as Shadow's member brushed agasint his

"So are you over Niesha?" Shadow asked. Sonic moaned softly and nodded

"You sure?" Shadow questioned

"Y-yes! I'm s-sure!" Sonic moaned. Shadow smirked and thrusted his member agasint Sonic's. Sonic groaned loudly and gripped Shadow's shoulders

"This is just turning me on." Dark smirked. Exe looked at him disgusted

"You sick bastard." Exe replied. Dark looked at him

"You do know what this means right?" Dark slowly started walking towards Exe

"W-what are you doing?" Exe questioned. Exe's back hit a wall. Dark slowly walked up to him and put both his hands on each side of Exe's head. He leaned close to Exe's mouth then stopped to where he could feel Exe's breath

"I'm gonna be doing you in a couple of minutes." Dark smirked. Exe shivered under Dark's smirk. Back outside Sonic's head, Shadow leaned down and kissed Sonic, who kissed back instantly

"I love you, Sonic." Shadow smiled. Sonic smiled back

"I-I love y-you too, Shadow." Sonic replied....
Hope y'all enjoyed!!

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