Chapter 7: A Little Bit Of Jealousy and Blushing

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Here's another chapter! Enjoy! Please don't judge the title!

Pervious Chapter

"I have no idea." Sonic facepalm...

(Normal Pov)

"This bitch needs to move!!" Dark hissed. Sonic groaned softly

"Would you shut up!?!" Exe hit Dark in the back of his head

"Oww! That hurt!!" Dark growled

"Both of you shut up!" Sonic growled

"Okay damn!" Dark replied. Dark then looked out and seen Amy snuggling up to an annoyed Shadow. Sonic took off his shoes and sighed

"Oh hell no!! What the fuck!?!" Dark growled. Sonic looked beside him and seen what was going on

"Are you just gonna let this girl take him away from you without you having a chance to date him!?!" Dark spoke. Sonic's heart was slowly beating

"No." Sonic thought

"Then do something!" Dark cheered. Sonic smirked and pulled out his phone

"Amy, Niesha said she needs you at her house right now." Sonic turned towards Amy to see that her muzzle was in Shadow's chest fur, causing the hedgehog to blush. Sonic was beginning to feel jealous of Amy. How come she gets to cuddle up with Shadow and he can't!?!?

"She can wait." Amy replied. Sonic growled on the inside

"But she said it was an emergency." Sonic spoke again. Amy groaned and got up

"Tell her I'm on my way." Amy replied. Sonic smirked as Amy made her way out of Silver's house

"Nice." Sonic could see Dark smirking and nodding his head. Exe facepalmed

"Oh god." Exe mumbled.

"Are you okay, Sonic?" Shadow questioned. Sonic smiled

"Yeah I'm fine." Sonic replied. He scooted closer to Shadow and laid his head on Shadow's shoulder. Shadow took off his shoes and put both of her feet up on the couch. Sonic put his legs on Shadow's and laid his hands on his leg. Shadow put his arm around Sonic, getting more comfortable. Silver smirked and tapped Cherry. Cherry looked to where he was pointing and smirked as well....


Sonic was softly sleeping on Shadow, who was still half way awake. Silver yawned, got out of his seat, and took out the movie

"Well its time for bed." Silver yawned. Shadow got up and stretched. He looked at Sonic and smiled

"Well we're gonna head on home. We'll see y'all later." Shadow picked up Sonic bridal style and looked at a sleepy Cherry. Cherry smiled tiredly and waved

"Good *yawn* night." Cherry spoke. Silver opened the door for Shadow and closed it when Shadow stepped out the door. Shadow began walking down the street, looking for his street. Sonic yawned and snuggled closer into Shadow's chest fur. Shadow smiled and continued to walk. Once he got to his house, he opened the door, making sure to not drop Sonic. He stepped inside the house and locked the door. Shadow walked upstairs and walked into Sonic's room. He sat Sonic straight up on his bed and woke him up

"Hey Sonic, get ready for bed." Shadow softly said. Sonic yawned and stretched

"Okay." Sonic tiredly got off his bed and went over to his closet. Shadow walked out of Sonic's room and went to his own. He walked to his closet and pulled out a pair of green basketball shorts. He jumped into the shower, took a quick wash up, jumped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist, brushed his teeth, and also put a towel around his quills. He quickly dried off and put on his shorts. He walked out of his bathroom, turning off the lights and closing the door. He grabbed his TV remote and jumped into his bed. He turned on his TV and sighed. A knock then came on his door

"Come in." Shadow said. Sonic walked into Shadow's room with an oversized black plain shirt on. Sonic blushed and looked down

"C-can I sleep i-in h-here?" Sonic asked. Shadow blushed

"S-sure." Sonic walked over to Shadow's bed. He laid down on the left side of Shadow's bed and got under the covers. Shadow looked at his TV and went to OnDemand. He then put it on the Boondocks and put his remote on the night stand beside his bed. Since Sonic's body was facing the left, Shadow smiled and scooted closer to Sonic. He wrapped his arms around Sonic's waist, pulling a blushing Sonic closer to him

"Goodnight Sonic." Shadow's tired voice rang threw Sonic's ears

"G-goodnight Shads." Sonic replied. Shadow laid his head on Sonic's shoulder and fell asleep

"See!? I told you it would work!" Dark smirked

"You're a complete lunatic." Exe mumbled

"Who's plan worked though?" Dark raised an eyebrow at Exe who was looking away from him

"That's what I thought!" Dark hissed...
Well I hope y'all enjoyed!!

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