Chapter 10: O.O

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Couldn't think of a name for this chapter so I just put a face! Enjoy this chapter!

(Pervious Chapter) (Continued From Amy's Pov)

"Are you two dating?" I asked bluntly. Shadow and Sonic blushed...

(Normal Pov)

Sonic and Shadow looked at each other still blushing from Amy's question. Of course they were dating, but they were trying to decide if they should tell Amy and Niesha that

"Hello? You two there?" Niesha mocked. Shadow and Sonic looked away from each other

"W-well y-you see...." Shadow and Sonic rubbed the back of their necks. Both girls gasped

"So you guys are!?" Niesha questioned. Shadow and Sonic sighed

"Yes." Sonic mumbled. Amy and Niesha looked at each other

"Okay, why didn't y'all tell us?" Amy asked

"Because we thought y'all would freak out." Shadow replied. Sonic grabbed Shadow's hand and intertwined their fingers. Shadow smiled and kissed Sonic on his cheek. Both girls were growling, but they were growling on the inside. They both faked a smile to the couple and faked a laugh

"Of course not! We're actually happy for you two!" Niesha giggled. Amy nodded. Shadow and Sonic looked at each other

"Something's off." Yawned Exe. Dark smirked

"Did you have a good sleep, sexy?" Dark smirked. Exe growled and turned away from Dark. Dark went behind Exe and hugged him tightly. He then kissed his forehead

"Happy now?" Dark questioned. Exe blushed and nodded


"What do you two mean your happy for us?" Shadow asked

"You two look cute together!" Amy faked a coo. Shadow eyed her, then he eyed Niesha

"Well thanks, but Shadow and I need to get home." Shadow looked into Sonic's eyes telling him to go along with it. Sonic nodded and looked at the girls

"We'll see you two later." Sonic stated. Shadow stood up and helped Sonic up. Shadow picked Sonic up bridal style and Sonic sqeaked. Shadow smirked and nuzzled Sonic

"B-bye Niesha and Amy." Sonic stuttered. Shadow nodded at the two and sped off. Sonic placed his muzzle into Shadow's snow white chestfur. Shadow smirked and continued to run. They finally arrived at Shadow's house. Shadow set Sonic to his feet and the both of then walked into the house

"Don't you think something was off back there?" Shadow questioned as he closed the front door. Shadow sat down on the couch and Sonic sat beside him

"Not at all, why?" Shadow looked at Sonic trying to see if he had lost his mind

"Are you serious, Sonic!?! You didn't notice anything!?" Shadow jumped out of his seat. Sonic tilted his head to the side confused

"No. They seemed like they really meant what they said." Sonic replied. Shadow gripped his quills. He then calmed down and looked into Sonic's eyes

"Listen Sonic, I can tell when someone is pretending. Niesha and Amy were pretending to be happy for us. They might go around telling the city that we're dating. Do you know what will happen if the city found out that the two most famous hero's of Möbius are dating?" Sonic sighed

"Okay Shadow, just calm down a little." Sonic kissed Shadow on his cheek and walked upstairs. Shadow sighed and yawned. He then went upstairs to get ready for bed...

(With Niesha and Amy)

"I can't believe this!" Niesha punched a tree. The tree wiggled a little causing the birds in it to fly away

"Niesha calm down, we will get our boys back." Amy replied looking at her nails. Niesha sighed and looked at her right gloved hand. A little bit of pink appeared on the glove. Niesha began to take it off, but hissed

"You okay?" Amy asked. Niesha sat down agasint the tree

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Niesha replied. Amy sighed and got up. She went over to Niesha and grabbed her right hand. Niesha growled and hissed at the sudden touch. Amy then seen the pink spot on Niesha's glove. Amy looked into Niesha's eyes with concern

"Why didn't you tell me you injured your hand?" Amy asked. Niesha blushed and looked away

"I-I told you. I-I'm f-fine." Niesha stuttered. Amy shook her hand and tilted Niesha's head over so that Niesha and looking at her

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Its only you and me here right now." Amy spoke. Niesha nodded and blushed more. Amy took off Niesha's glove as Niesha whimpered, hissed, and growled. Amy placed the glove on the ground and pulled out some bandage wrap. She wrapped some of it around Niesha's hand. She then put the bandage wrap away as Niesha looked at her hand

"There. All better." Amy smiled and kissed Niesha's hand. Niesha looked away from Amy and sighed

"Thanks." She replied. Amy giggled

"You're welcome." Amy smiled. Niesha grabbed her blood stained glove and stood up. She held her hand out to Amy, who took it. Niesha squeezed Amy's hand and began to walk. Amy blushed and walked beside Niesha, intertwining their fingers together. Niesha blushed and smiled

"What is this feeling?" They both thought....

(Back With Sonic & Shadow)

Shadow sat in his room, watching The Boondocks, which was his third favorite show (A/N: This is my one and only favorite show). A knock came to his room door

"Come on in Sonic." Shadow stated. The door opened and Sonic stepped in. Before Sonic could say anything Shadow spoke again

"Sure you can lay in here again." Shadow smirked. Sonic blushed and got into Shadow's bed. Shadow turned off the TV and laid down. He wrapped his arms around Sonic's waist and pulled him closer to him. Sonic blushed and smiled. Shadow kissed Sonic's forehead and smiled

"Goodnight Sonikku." Shadow yawned

"Night Shadikku." Sonic giggled and yawned...
Sonic and Shadow are together and Niesha and Amy are flirting!! Well what will happen next? Find out next time! See ya later!!

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