Chapter One: Breaking Up

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Okay first chapter! I hope you enjoy!

Shadow: 24 years old

Sonic: 23 years old

Amy: 21 years old

Niesha: 22 years old

Silver: 23 years old

Knuckles: 24 years old

Blaze: 22 years old

Rouge: 24 years old

Charmy: 20 years old

Cream: 20 years old
(With Shadow)

A mad Shadow The Hedgehog, also known as 'The Ultimate Lifeform', walked into his home that he shared with his girlfriend, Amy. They've been together for quite some time, 2 years to be exact. They never really had any problems in their relationship until now. Shadow was pissed. He just found out today that Amy was cheating on him. How did he find out you ask? Well he called her earlier and when she answered she was panting and trying to quietly tell some dude to be quiet. Shadow knew that was Scourge in the background, since he wanted to confront his girlfriend to her face, he didn't say anything about it.

He couldn't believe his girlfriend, of 2 years, would cheat on him. He didn't even ask for much. She had the perfect life. All she had to do was clean up and cook while Shadow took care of the bills. That wasn't even hard at all! He stomped upstairs into the room they shared and seen Amy asleep with one of Scourge's shirts on

"I should have guessed it." Shadow thought. He knew it was Scourge's shirt because 1) It still smelled like Scourge in the room and 2) He doesn't wear purple. Shadow punched the wall waking Amy up. She looked up to see Shadow and gasped

"S-Shadow! Your n-not suppose to be home this early!" Amy shouted as she tried to cover herself, making sure Shadow didn't see Scourge's shirt. Shadow shook his head and looked at Amy

"I know you're cheating on me Rose." Shadow stated smoothly. Amy laughed

"What are you talking about, Shadow?" She questioned. Shadow only glared at her

"I know your wearing Scourge's shirt and that you've been sleeping with him. I'm not stupid Rose." Shadow replied. Amy got out the bed and walked over to Shadow and stood in front of him

"Now what gives you that thought?" Amy tilted her head to the side, placing her small hands on her hips

"I heard you panting on the phone early and I hears Scourge's voice in the background!" Shadow hissed out. Amy flinched, only a little though

"Shadow The Hedgehog! Who do you think I am!?" Amy placed a hand on her heart

"A whore who needs to get out of my house! Amy Rose, I'm breaking up with you! Get yo shit and get to steppin'!" Shadow exclaimed angrily. Amy's eyes widen as she looked at Shadow

"You can't be serious, Shadow. Right?" Amy asked

"Yes! I'm as serious as a heart attack! Now get out!" Shadow growled. Amy began to cry

"No Shadow please! Don't let it end like this! I love you! You can't do this to me!" Amy cried. Shadow shrugged her off and looked at her

"You have 5 minutes to get your shit and go or else I'll kick you out and give your stuff to the Good Will." Shadow stated before walking out of the room and downstairs. Amy cried harder and sank to her knees....

(5 Mins Later)

Amy came downstairs with her bags and walked to the door. She looked back at Shadow and opened her mouth. Before she could say anything Shadow spoke

"Leave the door key and the car keys I gave you on that table." Shadow pointed to a table beside the door. Amy's eyes widen

"I can't keep the car!?" Amy exclaimed. Shadow bought her a car for her 20th birthday. It was a dark blue Dogde Challenger.

"Well I did buy the car." Shadow replied. He wasn't gonna keep the car. He was gonna return it back to the car dealer place. Amy sighed and dropped both keys on the table before walking out, slamming the door behind herself...

(With Sonic)

A calm but very tired Sonic The Hedgehog, also know as 'The Fastest Thing Alive', walked into the house he shared with his girlfriend, Niesha. Niesha was a busy girlfriend. She would always boss Sonic around whenever he didn't pick up after himself. He took off his shoes and threw them in a random spot in the living room. Today was just not his day. He fell a couple of times when he was running back home and he got into an argument with his sister, Sonia, over something stupid. Sonic walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda and a bag of chips. He sat at the kitchen table and began to eat his snack. Niesha walked through the front door and almost tripped over Sonic's shoes

"Sonic The Hedgehog! What have I told you about cleaning up after yourself!?" Niesha shouted. Sonic didn't reply. He really wasn't in the mood today to listen to her today. He continued to eat his snack, ignoring Niesha's little rant. She stopped talking and looked at the blue speeder

"Are you even listening to me!?" She asked him. Sonic looked up and stared at her

"I'm not in the mood today, Niesha. Okay?" Sonic took a sip of his drink

"Not in the mood my ass! Sonic go get your damn shoes from in front of the door!" Niesha exclaimed. Sonic got up and went upstairs to the room he shares with Niesha. He walked in and sat down on the bed. Niesha came up, not to happy

"Did you not hear me you idiot!" Niesha screamed. Sonic immediately stood up from the bed

"Who you calling an idiot you retarded bitch! I can't believe we're even dating! Your not even my type!" Sonic shouted as his reply. Niesha looked at him with tears in her eyes. That hurt

"Well then get the fuck out! I don't want you here anymore! We're over Sonic The Hedgehog!" Niesha yelled, tears crawling their way down her face

"Fine! See if I care! At least I don't have to deal with your bitchy ways anymore!" Sonic began packing his stuff. When he finished, he threw his house key at Niesha, grabbed his wallet, phone, and bags, and walked out the house, and out the life of Niesha The Hedgehog, who broke down crying when he left...


Sonic drove his car down the street. There was only one person he trusted at the moment. Sonic told this person all of his secrets. He pulled up in the drive through and got out of his car. He walked up to the door and knocked three times

"I'm coming!" A voice shouted. The door opened and Shadow stood on there in front of Sonic.

"Hey Shadow. Do you mind if I stay here for a while?" Sonic questioned.._______________________________________________________________________
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! See ya next time!

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