Chapter 9: Just Talking

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Sorry I haven't been updating. There's been a lot of stuff happening where I am. My mom got into a car accident and I had writers block for this story. I hope you guys can forgive me. Enjoy this chapter!
(The Next Day) (Normal Pov)

Sonic woke up to the sun shining in his face. He yawned and was about to get up, only to get pulled back down. He forgot his was sleeping in Shadow's room. This was the second time he's slept in here

"Come on Shadz. I have to make breakfast." Sonic groaned. Shadow growled, but let Sonic up. Sonic got up and kissed Shadow on hiss cheek. Shadow smirked and opened his eyes

"Good morning Sonikku." Shadow purred. Sonic nuzzled Shadow

"Good morning." Sonic walked out the room to go make breakfast. He walked into the kitchen and pulled out some eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, and waffle

"Let's start." Sonic told himself before starting....

(23 Mins Later)

"Shadow! Breakfast is ready!" Sonic called. Shadow came down the stairs and kissed Sonic, who kissed back. They pulled away from each other and sat at the table and began to eat....

(After Breakfast)

Sonic and Shadow finished eating and Sonic cleaned up the table

"Hey Sonic, do you wanna go for a walk in the park?" Shadow asked

"Sure just let me get dressed first." Sonic replied. Shadow nodded and Sonic ran upstairs to get dressed....


Sonic came downstairs in some blue jeans, a black shirt, a dog chain, and some black hightops. Shadow stared at him. Sonic seen him staring and got worried

"Is something wrong with what I'm wearing?" Sonic questioned. Shadow came out of his daydream

"You look fine." Shadow smiled. Sonic came completely down the stairs and grabbed his phone and wallet

"Come on." Sonic walked out with Shadow following him. They choose to walk to the park unstead since it was such a beautiful day.

(Sonic's Pov)

We made it to the park and seen families, children, couples, and elders having fun. I was mostly looking at the families. I always wanted to start a family of my own. I mean I'm dating Shadow and I'm a herm (I didn't tell Niesha because I didn't want her to think I was weird). I think I'd like to start a family with my boyfriend. I grabbed his hand and smiled up at him. He was a good few inches taller than me. He looked down at me and gripped me hand tighter. After a few minutes of walking, we sat underneath a shady tree

"Shadow, what do you think about children?" I looked at him to see his reaction. His eyes opened, but he kept his arms crossed

"They're a handful but I've always wanted to start my own family." My eyes gleamed as those words came out of his mouth. I suddenly heard movement behind the bushes behind the tree. I looked at Shadow and he looked at me. He got up and went behind the tree? He looked behind the bushes and Niesha and Amy popped up from behind it. Well there goes my perfect day....

(Normal Pov)

"Hey you two!" The girls smiled. Shadow, being nice, smiled back

"Hey." Shadow moved back to sit beside Sonic. He sat down and put his hands behind his head. Niesha and Amy came and sat in front of the two boys

"How have your day been, boys?" Amy asked. Sonic looked at Amy and smiled

"I wonder why their not being clingy." Sonic thought

"Maybe because they're trying to get you two to like them again." Dark's voice came. Sonic mentally growled and looked back at the girls

"Our day has been fine. What about y'all?" Sonic questioned

"I fucked Exe." Dark stated. Sonic's eyes widen

"What!?!" Sonic thought

"When you and Shadow got a little to much for me, I fucked Exe. I mean he seen it coming." Dark replied causally

"Where is he now? And when did this happen?" Sonic asked

"He's sleeping and it happened yesterday." Dark replied

"Hey Sonic, you okay?" Shadow's voice brought Sonic back to reality

"Yeah I'm fine." Sonic smiled....

(Amy's Pov) (Yay! A new persons point of view!) (Its gonna be short though)

I looked at Sonic then back to Shadow. Something didn't feel right. I wonder why their seating so close to each other. I guess I'll have to ask

"Are you two dating?" I asked bluntly. Shadow and Sonic blushed...
Here it is! What will Shadow and Sonic say? Find out next time!

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