Chapter Two: New Roommate

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Here's another chapter!! Enjoy!

Pervious Chapter

"Hey Shadow. Do you mind if I stay here for a while?" Sonic questioned

(Normal Pov)

Shadow stared at Sonic in confusion. Why does he need somewhere to stay? Plus, why did he ask him?

"I thought you had a place." Shadow looked at Sonic

"Niesha and I broke up and she kicked me out." Sonic replied, rubbing the back of his neck. Shadow found this......cute?

"I can't possibly like Sonic could I?" Shadow thought. Sonic waved his hand in Shadow's face, bringing him out of his thinking state

"Yo Shads! Are you okay?" Sonic asked. Shadow ran his hand through his quills, making Sonic's heart race

"I can not be into Shadow, can I?" Sonic shook off the feeling and smiled

"So can I stay for a while, Shadow?" Sonic questioned. Shadow put his hand over his mouth and cough softly three times

"Sure. Come on in." Shadow moved out the way and let Sonic in. Sonic looked around as if he was looking for someone

"Hey where's Ames?" Sonic asked. Shadow, again, ran his hand through his quills. The sensational feeling Sonic felt earlier came back to him, but even harder.

"I kicked her out. She was cheating on me with Scourge." Shadow replied. Something in Sonic's mind was telling him to hug Shadow, but he didn't. He igorned it and listened to Shadow tell how he found out that Amy was cheating on him. He and Shadow soon sat on the couch. Sonic enjoyed Shadow's company as much as Shadow was enjoying Sonic's company. Sonic then began to tell Shadow why Niesha and him got into an argument. Shadow listened carefully and watched Sonic use hand movements, trying to describe himself

"So she got mad and kick me out. Shit like that." Sonic finished. Shadow nodded his head

"That's a dumb reason to be kicked out." Shadow replied

"I thought it was too!" Sonic exclaimed. They talked until it was 10:32pm at night. Sonic yawned and stretched. Shadow notice and looked at him

"You sleepy?" Shadow questioned. Sonic nodded his head

"Yeah pretty much." Sonic replied

"Did you bring any bags with you?" Shadow asked

"Yeah. They're in my car." Sonic grabbed his keys and walked out the door to come back with two bags. He closed Shadow's house door and locked his car with his car keys.

"Okay you'll be staying in the guest room. Follow me." Shadow got up and headed upstairs with Sonic behind him with his bags. They made it upstairs and walked about 10 more steps before stepping in front of a white door.

"This is your room." Shadow opened the door and let Sonic in. Sonic walked into a cream colored room that had a wide closet and a king sized bed. A TV sat across from the bed, hanging on the wall with a tall dresser under it. There was a bathroom in the room too. Sonic's eyes gleamed

"Awesome." Sonic grabbed his bags and walked completely into the room

"I knew you would have liked it." Shadow smirked a small smirk

"Like it? I love it!" Sonic replied. Shadow chuckled

"Well I'll see you in the morning then." Shadow walked out the room, leaving Sonic by himself. Sonic took all his clothes out of his luagges and threw them on his bed. He put his shirts and pants in the closet, his boxers and pj's in the dresser underneath the TV, and he put his gloves in the dresser beside his bed. The dresser had a creamed colored lamp on it. Sonic put his all of his shoes in the closet, neatly in order. He kept his everyday shoes outside of the closet and put them between the dresser beside his bed and his bed. He grabbed some purple and orange basketball shorts and a white muscle shirt, put them on his bed, and walked into the bathroom. His toothbrush and everything else was in there.

He closed the door behind himself, just in case Shadow came into the room. He turned on the shower water and went over to the sink and began brushing his teeth, waiting for the water to get hot. 3 minutes later, he finished brushing his teeth and began taking off his shirt to show his tan chest and stomach. Sonic does have muscles though. That's why whenever he's going to sleep or going on a run, he puts on a muscle shirt. Girls would either check him out or ask him out. All the ones who have asked him out, he shot them down. Well you know, except Niesha. He met her at the park when he was jogging. He had bumped into her and said sorry. They talked for a while and Sonic asked her if she wanted to go out with him to dinner.

Sonic jumped into the shower after stripping down out of his clothes. He grabbed some body wash and put some on his small white towel. He put the body wash back where it was and began rubbing the towel around his body...

(10 Mins Later)

Sonic jumped out the shower and wrapped a white towel around his waist. He stepped out of the bathroom and began drying himself off...

(With Shadow)

Shadow walked into his closet with a towel wrapped tightly around his waist. He pulled out a white T-shirt and some white shorts. He dryes himself off, before putting on his clothes for the night. Shadow turned off the lights in his bathroom, turned off the lights in his room, grabbed his remote, and laid down in his bed. He turned on the TV and watched it

He was trying to get his mind off of when him and Amy got together. He met her when he was at the Gym. They talked while they worked out and she invited Shadow to her place for a movie.

Then Sonic popped into his head, completely erasing every thought of Amy. He loved the way Sonic looked when he was at his doorstep earlier. Shadow always knew he was bi and he had no problem with it. The only thing that shocked him was that he wanted Sonic. He wanted him all to himself, but he was scared to tell Sonic how he felt.

"Then again it is a little to early to say anything about me liking him." Shadow thought....

(With Sonic)

Sonic, who was now fully dressed, laid down in bed. All the lights off. The only thing that was on his mind was Shadow now. He didn't want to admit that he had fallen for the black hedgehog. Even if his heart was telling him to. He would admit that earlier when Shadow ran his hand threw his quills, it made his heart do flips. Sonic never knew that he would ever fallen for Shadow. He didn't want to get into a relationship right after he just got out of one. He wanted to at least wait a couple of months. He slowly began to fall asleep. He turned off his TV going into a peaceful sleeping state...

(The Next Morning)

Sonic woke up and yawns. He got out of bed and stretched. He walked into the bathroom, brushed his teeth, took a shower, and walked out. He dried himself off and put on his boxers. He then went to his closet and put on a muscle shirt and some blue jeans. He then put on some white converses and out on his white gloves. He walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. He pulled out a pan from under the cabinet, some eggs and bacon out of the frige, and some waffle mix out of the cabinet. He then began making breakfast...

(With Shadow)

Shadow woke up to the sound and smell of something cooking. He got out of bed and did his route and threw on a red T-shirt and some blue jeans with his regular shoes. He put on his gloves and his rings before walking downstairs and into the kitchen to see Sonic cooking

"Oh hey Shadow." Sonic said without looking up. He had heard Shadow when he was coming down the stairs

"What are you doing?" Shadow asked

"I'm making breakfast. I hope you don't mind." Sonic replied

"Its cool." Shadow replied. Sonic took out two plates and sat them on the table. He then grabbed two cups and set them on the table. He fixed the plates and poured orange juice into each cup

"Come on. I didn't poison it." Sonic laughed lightly. Shadow walked in and sat down at the table. Sonic set a plate of scrambled eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, and two waffles on his plate

"Enjoy." Sonic sat down across from Shadow and began to eat. Shadow picked up his fork and began to eat as well

"He isn't half bad. His cooking might be better than Amy's." Shadow thought...
Well I hope y'all enjoyed!

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