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51 so dear

51 so dear

"Xiaotian is in good shape!" Pei Ying said with a smile.

Just when they were about to say something, Luo Ningning's face suddenly changed, "Quick! Come with me." After saying that, he ran towards the direction he came from.

"What's wrong?" Pei Ying asked while running along.

"There's something wrong with Wangye. Xiaoyu heard news that the man surnamed Zhao was chasing Wangye with someone, and he was shooting the tires of the car all the way." Luo Ningning's face became ugly, this There is no need for a person surnamed Zhao to exist, and he can do anything to his relatives, and Zhao Min has no damage at all, so he wants to destroy Wang Ye.

Zhang Tiantian couldn't help but scolded, "No wonder Wang Ye said that although his uncle is a soldier, he has a very bad character."

"Ning Ning, do we want to use weapons too?" Pei Ying's running speed was not too slow.

"Use it, of course. Since they like to use weapons, let's use weapons too." Luo Ning said with a raised eyebrow.

In fact, Xiaoyu can handle this matter completely, but Luo Ningning does not allow it to intervene, because Wang Ye can only join their team if he completely hates the Zhao family.

"Can you hurt people?" Pei Ying asked.

"I need to ask Wang Ye's meaning about this matter. Let Xiaoyu ask Wang Ye!" Luo Ningning asked Xiaoyu to ask Wang Ye.

You must know that after Wang Ye sent Zhao Min to the military area, Xiaoyu got into his car. When he was talking to him, Wang Ye was so frightened that he almost drove the car into a ditch.

However, after Xiaoyu said it was Luo Ningning's sister, Wang Ye returned to normal, but until his uncle led someone to chase after him and shot him in the tire, Wang Ye's condition became a bit bad. .

He was a little sad and disappointed, "How could he treat me like this? It's even if the supplies I collected were taken away by him. He even let people attack me with weapons."

"Hurry up and drive forward, as the distance is far, he won't be able to shoot." Xiaoyu quietly applied a protection to the car, saying that he would hit the tires several times, and he blocked it all.

"He's my uncle." Wang Ye's eyes were a little wet, knowing that in this place where there are ditches on both sides, if a tire of his car was shot, it should be the end of the car crash. You are taking your own life.

"What about uncle? Haven't you seen your father kill your son?" Xiaoyu flapped her wings, "Hurry up, I told Ning Ning that they will pick you up and tell you a secret, Ning Ning also has weapons in their hands. "

When Xiaoyu said this, she narrowed her eyes slightly, then looked at Wang Ye, "In this military region, your uncle is the biggest official?"

"That's right!" Wang Ye has now returned to normal.

"Ningning asks you, can you hurt him directly?" Xiaoyu asked.

Wang Ye sighed, "It's the end of the world now, if he kills him, the entire military region will be in chaos, right?"

Xiaoyu couldn't help but say, "Do you think he can protect the public with a person like him?"

Wang Ye shook his head, "It is estimated that the rich can use him to buy a way of life."

"Then he doesn't need to live anymore." Xiaoyu made a decision, "Don't hate us for this decision, I'll let Ningning do it."

At this time, Luo Ningning and the others had already driven to the outskirts, and then set up an ambush on the only way for Wang Ye and the others.

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