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131 Clear the Eastern District Mission

131 Clear the Eastern District Mission

When Wang Ye returned to the villa, he was still shivering a little, but Pei Ying was shocked, "Ye, what happened, it made you tremble."

Wang Ye shook his head, "It's Lao Wei and Lao Hei who are so disgusting, you should not know about some things."

His words made Pei Ying and Yan Ruyu even more curious, and the two surrounded him, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Wang Ye widened his eyes, do women gossip like this? They want to know so, whether to satisfy them or not?

"Let's talk, it's the end of the world, what have we not experienced?" Yan Ruyu patted Wang Ye's shoulder, "Don't be so vulnerable as a man."

"This" just feels disgusting, how did he become vulnerable? If you want to hear it, tell them about it.

Wang Ye talked about the excessive fantasies of the guys on the road. Yan Ruyu touched his chin and said, "It seems that there will be no more cockroaches after the end of the world." Thinking of cockroaches as big as chickens, Yan Ruyu would I couldn't help but shivered, "It's disgusting, what do you men think about every day? Didn't it say that men thought about women every day before the end of the world?"

Wang Ye pouted, "It's the end of the world now, and everyone is thinking about their future survival."

Pei Ying frowned and said, "This flying thing has the most sparrows. We have met once before, and the number was not many. There must be sparrows in this world, and there are quite a few. ”

Yan Ruyu said, "Speaking of which, apart from the mount, I also lack some pets. If I come across a beautiful butterfly or something, I can ask Xiaoyu to help me get it as a pet."

"That's right! Butterflies are the most beautiful." Pei Ying showed an excited expression.

Wang Ye covered his face, and women like to think about the beautiful. Do their men like to think about the bad? Look at these two women, it makes him a little bit shocked.

At this moment, Wang Ye remembered the serious business, "Ying, has the captain come back? Now that the military division is separated, I think the military division will also call people from our team when there is a meeting in the future. The captain needs to prepare for this matter."

Pei Ying looked at Wang Ye, and she said with a smile, "You don't need to ask her about this, she will definitely let you go, so you just need to take the initiative."

"Ah, let me go to a meeting with them?" Wang Ye was also a little reluctant.

"You can ask Tian Tian or Uncle Wang to accompany you. Or you can ask Lao Wei and Hei Boss." Pei Ying raised her eyebrows and said.

"If that's the case, I can call him. For negotiation or something, he is the most suitable." As the boss of the gang, there are many opportunities to negotiate with others, so he is the most suitable.

"Yes, Brother Hei can. Speaking of which, what is Brother Hei's name?" Pei Ying asked gossiply.

"I heard from my brothers that Brother Hei abandoned his name a long time ago. He said that his previous name was not worthy of him at all, and he was abandoned." Wang Ye looked at Pei Ying, "Remember not to ask him, I think it hurts him a lot."

"Well, I see." Pei Ying sighed, how hurtful it is, how much it would be abandoned, she suddenly felt that Boss Hei was very pitiful, and it was a match for what she had. Even if you consider yourself the one who was abandoned by the family, I don't know how they are now? It seems that they escaped to the Kyoto base in the last life, but they don't know the specific result, because they died too early, but why haven't they seen them in this life?

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