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156 Become a princess and steal people out

156 Become a princess and steal people out

The ten-meter-high flame was burning all the time. At the beginning, Xin Lin's formation plate could still protect her, so that she could temporarily avoid the blazing barbecue.

But as the surrounding temperature increased, Xin Lin's array plate began to slowly melt. The temperature of the fire was too high, making the array plate unbearable.

Luo Ningning has been paying attention to Xin Lin's situation. She didn't actually plan to burn her to death. Such a person could destroy her by burning half to death.

Soon, the formation plate was about to melt completely, and Xin Lin continued to throw out a formation plate, which also didn't last long.

Xin Lin was in a hurry. Speaking of which, she still had a lot of arrays like this. Xin Lin grabbed ten such arrays and threw them around her, only to see that Xin Lin was instantly frozen.

Luo Ningning walked slowly to her side, and then said, "You really know how to play." She put her hand directly on the ice cube on Xin Lin's body, and the ice cube melted instantly.

"Aren't you willing to leave a way for people to live?" Xin Lin was already too hot, and it was starting to be a little difficult for her to speak.

"What about you, if I'm forced to be like this by you, will I have a way out?" Luo Ningning saw that the woman had already begged her for mercy, but she still killed him.

"Scumbag is not suitable to live in this world." Xin Lin snorted coldly.

"Yeah, but now you are a scumbag in my eyes, do you think it is necessary for me to keep you?" Luo Ningning asked with a chuckle.

Although the people in the stands couldn't see them, they could hear their conversations. When everyone heard Xin Lin speak, they were already in an uproar, and then they heard Luo Ningning using Xin Lin's words to deal with her. Laughed out loud, feeling happy.

Speaking of which, the name Xin Lin is a wicked woman in everyone's ears.

Luo Ningning looked at Xin Lin coldly, until she saw that her whole body was on fire, and then she directly put away the fire on the entire stage.

The flames disappeared in an instant, and everyone saw two people standing on the stage. Ningning's magic weapon clothes had turned red because of the flames, while Xin Lin had become a burning man.

"Ah, help me, help me!" Xin Lin called for help everywhere.

Luo Ningning watched her burn from the side, until she saw that almost all the skin on her body was burnt, she threw a rain talisman, and the rain talisman fell on Xin Lin's head, instantly dousing her Full body flame.

Xin Lin collapsed to the ground and fainted instantly.

Xin Lin was carried down. At this moment, a voice sounded from the entire arena, "From today onwards, Luo Ningning will become the eighth-ranked princess."

"Princess! Princess!" There were warm cheers from the stands. With such a powerful princess, they felt very safe.

In fact, although these ten princesses and ten princes are very respected, they are also a relatively hard job, because when the planet is in danger, twenty of them must rush to the front.

Luo Ningning got the position of the princess, Chang Ling was happy, "Luoqi, you two are a good couple, a prince and a princess, haha, they really are a good match."

Luo Qi said, "Ning Ning's future, I may not be able to match."

"She doesn't care that much, as long as you can stay with her forever." Chang Ling raised her eyebrows and said.

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