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161 Left from now on, collective change

161 Left from now on, collective change

Luo Ningning asked everyone's wishes and asked if they would like to settle on Nuoxing. She has already prepared a place to live. Anyway, this is up to everyone's wishes, and she will not force everyone.

"What do you think?" Luo Ningning looked at Pei Ying and the others.

Pei Ying chuckled, "Ning Ning, I'm used to being under your wings, so without you, I feel like I've lived through the years, I'll definitely go."

"And me, how could our sisters be without me?" Yan Ruyu raised her hand happily.

"We were originally one, how could we not let us go?" Zhang Tiantian said while hooking Wang Ye's shoulder.

"That's right, I'm definitely going too." Wang Ye nodded.

Uncle Wang sighed and said, "How can I go if I don't go? My son was taken away, and I haven't seen my newborn daughter yet!"

Hearing Uncle Wang's words, everyone was happy. They all remembered the days when Uncle Wang had weak legs every day. Sister Chang Ling was really amazing, so she conquered Uncle Wang.

"And us." The speaker was one of Chang Ling's five little boyfriends.

"I'm here with Lao Hei for Captain Ning, so we must follow." Captain Zhang said with a smile. He didn't expect that they would have the opportunity to go to aliens. How could such an opportunity be passed over? The resources on this earth are getting less and less, so leave a little more for others!

Soon, the people below also expressed their willingness to leave. They repaired the chain so desperately to reach a higher level, so everyone is still very excited now.

When Luo Ningning was busy here, Dr. Liao had already taken the group of women out to publicize the benefits of going to Nuoxing, but they found that the benefits of publicizing in the new world were not too great.

So Dr. Liao took the group of women to the small bases around the new world. I have to say that this move is not bad, because Dr. Liao did not require a power level, so there are some lazy people who have a meal when they hear it. Decided to leave immediately.

By the time Luo Ningning and the others agreed to make preparations, Dr. Liao had already returned with more than 100 people. The people he recruited made Luo Ningning frown, she looked at Luo Qi, "I can do it. ?"

Luo Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's do as he likes, after all, he's just experimenting with these people."

Luo Ningning pouted, that's right, Dr. Liao brought these people to be a stallion, and the women of Nuoxing don't necessarily need men, all they want is children.

Luo Ningning can see from Chang Ling's body that the women there are obsessed with children, but too many women there have no children.

Luo Ningning looked at this group of people. Their clothes were not very good. At first glance, they seemed to be idle and lazy people. It seemed that there was a chance for them to be a stallion.

Luo Ningning sighed secretly and stopped paying attention to them, but she still gave Dr. Liao a bunch of clothes and asked him to send them to these people so that they could take care of them a little bit cleaner.

The preparation time was not long. The Thunder Squad took three days to prepare. Because they were really ready to leave, Pei Ying and Yan Ruyu met their relatives at Luo Ningning's request. Pei Yinghe Yan Ruyu just left the crystal nucleus for her mother, and then left. After all, their mothers were somewhat similar in some ways, including hating her daughter, but the crystal nucleus and the others loved them.

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