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71 Zombie Dog

71 Zombie Dog

When Xiaopang and Wang Lele saw these snacks, their eyes were straight, let alone the two of them, even Yan Ruyu, a foodie, saw these snacks, and their eyes were straight, "Ying'er, there are so many hidden. Private goods, don't even say take them out at night."

"If you want to eat it, I'll bring it to you in the evening." Pei Ying said with a smile, she and Ning Ning have collected a lot of this food in the past few days, enough to support these foodies.

"Sister Ying, and ours." Little Fatty said while stuffing it in his mouth.

"No problem." Pei Ying assured. Hearing Pei Ying's assurance, the two snackers also smiled. Speaking of which, the two of them were already in the growth stage, and their appetite was large, and after awakening their abilities , the appetite can be said to be five times that of an ordinary adult. Think about it, how can an ordinary person eat two steamed buns, and each of them can eat more than ten.

Luo Ningning and the others drove towards the highway intersection while eating. First Wang Ye drove, then Uncle Wang. As long as they encountered zombies on the road, they would all run over them.

Except for some zombies, they did not encounter any road blockages along the way, but they were not at all uneasy along the way, because there were people shouting for help everywhere upstairs next to them, and they were shouting at their cars. of.

"Hey! The car below, can we do it by pulling it along the way?" Someone shouted upstairs next to it.

"Do they know where we're going?" Yan Ruyu asked suspiciously while eating.

"It's obvious that he wants to stick with us." Wang Ye pouted, and Uncle Wang replaced him, just to let him eat something, "This snack is not as good as rice."

Zhang Tiantian got his head out of the window at this time and shouted upstairs, "Wait, people from the military area are coming soon, they will save you to the military area." It doesn't matter when he shouts, the zombies nearby hear him. The shouts were chasing after their car.

"Okay, ignore them. They are obviously a group of young people, and they don't know how to save themselves. There are not many good people in this world, and good people can't afford it." She felt that she had become hard-hearted. She heard a lot of calls for help along the way, but she didn't have the slightest sympathy.

"I have nothing to do when I have nothing to do, practice my voice, and wait for more zombies later. I will go down and collect a few crystal cores." Zhang Tiantian said with a smile.

"Brother Tian is really busy!" The little fat man was finally full now, leaned on the seat and started to doze off, and he didn't forget to add a word.

"Little Fatty, there are so many people around asking for help, are you in the mood to save them?" Zhang Tiantian teased Little Fatty.

Little Fatty opened his eyes, rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Brother Tian, ​​you know that, if I don't save myself, if I don't run out, no one in this world will save me, even my age. My children dared to run out alone and ask for help, and they didn’t dare to take a step outside, I don’t feel sorry for them.” If he didn’t run out, Sister Ning and the others would definitely not go in to save him, after all, in this world, you can live by yourself. It's good to come down, no one has the energy to take care of others.

Wang Lele said, "Little Fatty is right, this world is so chaotic, no one has the obligation to save others, in the current world, being able to survive is already a contribution to this society!"

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