AN: I know everyone wants me to update this fic. Besides a sort of mental block with this fic, I am also currently working on something for Mads and Charlie. I am not going to talk about what this thing is until I am finished with it. Just know that it is BIG and something crazy for me to do. And it does involve writing. Since that is my thing. Enjoy!
"Okay but explain to us again how Ghost did that," Patrick said to Charlie and Madison as they disembarked from their plane.
Charlie groaned. "It's a long story. And we are traveling right now. It can wait."
Patrick and Meghan pouted as they walked with the two performers. Ghost was tucked away in his little stroller (soundly asleep) that Madison got especially for the trip. Also so he couldn't escape.
"We have a layover in Montreal before our flight to Quebec City. We have plenty of time."
Charlie rolled his eyes. "Do you really want to know that bad?"
"YES," the two siblings said in unison.
Ryan sighed behind them. "Gotta agree with them, baby bro. How exactly did Ghost pull that off?"
Charlie looked to Madison as they lead the group of eleven from the tunnel to the plane. "You want to take this one? You are better at this than me."
Madison shook her head. "Fine. But now Owen will be even more anxious around him."
"Madison," Patrick and Meghan whined.
Madison scowled at the impatient Gillespie siblings. "Okay. I'll tell you what happened but let's all sit down for this first."
"Alright," Meghan cheered and high fived the tallest Gillespie sibling. Her and Patrick jumped in place excitedly for a good story.
"I am in a family of oversized toddlers. All of you," Madison grumbled.
Madison, Charlie, the rest of the Gillespie siblings, their significant others, and Jeanette sat down as close together at the restaurant so everyone could hear the tale of what Ghost did to Owen this time.
"Okay so after the beach incident, Charlie and I agreed to make it up to Owen by getting him something. We found this sound dampener for his drum kit. He is always wailing on those things and this makes it easier for him to practice without people complaining, you know," Madison started off.
Everyone except Charlie nodded. "Okay. Yeah cause Ghost basically buried him. Makes sense you wanted to make up for that and all the other stuff Ghost does to Owen," Brody said as he and the others listened intently.
"Well the one we got had to be shipped to him obviously. And so we had to get a big enough box. Charlie didn't realize how big it actually would be," Madison said and gave the hazel eyed guitarist a side eye. Charlie smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. He knew that the incident was partly his fault.
The rest of their party sighed as they knew how Charlie was. "Yup. Sounds like something Charlie would do," Michael said with an exasperated look on his face.
"And so after actually getting a box that could fit the damn thing, I filled it up with some bubble wrap as best I could. Ghost kept trying to figure out what was in the box. We kept him out of the room while we got it all set up. But then we needed tape. Cause we didn't have enough. That meant going to the store."
Meghan's eyes widened. "Wait...did I...?"
Madison arched her brow. "Yes Meghan. You did. We told you to watch Ghost while we went to the store real quick. And you left the door to Charlie's room open."
Meghan's face paled. Brody looked between his girlfriend and Madison. "I'm confused. What's going on?"
"No way," Ryan said in disbelief as he also caught on to what Madison implied. His girlfriend Jessica looked at him just as Brody did Meghan, completely lost.
"Okay I am not following what is going on here. Is this some weird Gillespie sibling telepathy thing," Courtney asked.
Jeanette was the one to answer the questions. "Ghost was curious and he knew it had something to do with Owen since he surely heard his name being said by Madison and Charlie. Jack Russell Terriers are also known for their high jumping skills and for being compact enough to get small game. He probably got up on the bed and used that as leverage to get in the box and fit himself in there without being noticed. Since he used to live on the streets as a stray, he would know how to break open a box to get air without an issue. So when Madison and Charlie came back from getting the tape, he got shipped too."
The Gillespie siblings and their significant others were wide eyed and speechless. "H-hold on! How did you end up shipping Ghost to Owen with the drum kit," Brody asked in shock.
Sara nodded. "Yeah how did you guys not notice Ghost was gone?"
Charlie slumped down in his seat. "When Ghost is upset, he likes to pout and hide from us. Since we had essentially put him in time out, we thought that he was simply having a moment. Also we paid extra for an overnight ship so it could get to Owen faster."
"Oh," the two brunets said.
"That means that when Owen opened his gift from you guys....," Patrick said as he put the last piece of the puzzle together.
Madison and Charlie sighed with crossed arms. "Yup. Ghost came jumping out at him. He was on FaceTime with us when he was opening it. He screamed so loud a neighbor called the police cause they thought something happened to him."
Everyone turned their eyes to Ghost as he shifted in his stroller. "He really is a little menace," Patrick thought aloud.

SonstigesMadison and Charlie come across a stray while out in Vancouver as they begin filming season 2. The dog becomes the newest member of the Phantom family.