AN: Refer back to the first bit of the last AN so I don't have to repeat myself. Anyway, I was SO excited to get to this chapter because my two favorites appear. I got a little carried away thanks to that, lol. Also I couldn't NOT include the first part of this chapter. I mean it NEEDS to happen. Also more anxious Owen. But we get to have more fun moments with them all. Enjoy!
Madison was fixing her curls in the mirror after getting ready. She and Charlie had gotten back from their daily morning walk with Ghost about an hour before. She was hoping to be ready early since today was a big day.
"Mad, your phone just dinged with some emails," her dad called from the bedroom. Madison sighed. She couldn't keep messing with her hair. It would look like a bird's nest if she touched it too much.
"Coming," she called back. She checked to make sure her clothes and minimal makeup were good before walking out to get her phone. Ricardo handed her phone to her as he finished tying his sneakers. "Thanks, Papi." She opened up her email expecting the usual notifications from fans or stuff she subscribed to. Instead she saw an email from an unfamiliar address. She clicked on it. Her eyes and mouth widened as she read further down the email. NO! FUCKING! WAY! It had to be a joke.
She went back to the rest of her email to see she had one from her agent. She was about to click on it when her phone rang. It was her agent. She picked it up with shaking hands. "I-is it t-true," she warbled out nervously. She couldn't believe her eyes. It just didn't seem real.
"Yes. It is. I am sure you saw the emails. They are serious and asked for you specifically. Congrats, Madison. I'll let you soak it in. We'll discuss more about it later, okay?"
Madison nodded dumbly as if her agent was there in front of her. "Okay," she muttered in a daze. The phone call ended with a click except she still held it in her hands as the shock stilled her.
"Madison? What was that about? Honey?" Madison snapped out of her daze at hearing Ricardo's voice. Instead of answering him, Madison ran out the room like a mad woman.
"OWEN, OWEN," she screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran through the rental to the common area.
The blond looked up from his breakfast to see the Puerto Rican rushing towards him with flailing arms. "Woah, calm down, Maddie. Where's the fire?"
Charlie looked up from feeding Ghost his breakfast. "Yeah, Mads. What's got you so excited this early."
Madison grabbed Owen by the shoulders causing him to almost stumble off the stool he was sitting on. "Owen....we got invited to the In the Heights premiere in June," she screamed in his face.
It took barely a second for Owen to react. "WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!? WE'RE GOING TO THE PREMIERE," he practically screeched in excitement. Charlie winced at the volume while Ghost hid his head in his father's leg.
"YES," Madison screeched back.
"OH. MY. GOD," Owen replied as he jumped from his stool. The pianist and drummer grabbed each other's hands and started jumping around and squealing like little school girls. By this point, Jeremy and Carolynn were there and looking between the over excited duo at the breakfast bar and Charlie whose face was full of exasperation.
"We were invited to the In the Heights movie premiere," Charlie answered for them.
The two squealing rockers hadn't let up and had somehow migrated to the living room area. "OH! I also get to perform at the movie's after party," Madison revealed when her and Owen stopped to relax for a second.
CasualeMadison and Charlie come across a stray while out in Vancouver as they begin filming season 2. The dog becomes the newest member of the Phantom family.