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AN: Time for the Reyes-Gillespie family to explore! The first part of this fic was inspired by jatpxjuke. So I thought this fit as a perfect starter to things. Something very simple. More adventures await our little family. And the Gillespie siblings will adore their new sister even more. Enjoy!

Spanish/ French in this chapter:

una bruja= a witch

sorcière= witch

belle-soeur= sister in law

Qu'est-il arrivé à tes cheveux !?= What happened to your hair!?

Qu'est-ce que tu as fait!?= What did you do!?

Je vous aime= I love you (non romantic/aquaintances, friends, family)

aquí ahora= here now

De rien, ma belle= You are welcome, my beautiful

S'il te plaît= Please (informal)

Ta copine est si belle!= Your girlfriend looks so beautiful!

Ils ne sortent pas ensemble.=They are not dating.


"I am so glad you trusted me to do this. I know that this is a big deal in your community. I still can't believe you trusted Charlie with it," Meghan said as she checked over her work.

Madison laughed. "It is. Charlie is gentle and is very patient. Not to mention that he listens. And I needed a change. This heat is ridiculous and I don't want to look like una bruja when I have it out."

"Bruja," Meghan asked as she wiped off Madison's neck and shoulders.

Madison shook her head, feeling how much lighter it felt. "It means witch."

Meghan started sweeping around the chair that Madison sat on, gathering the remnants of their impulsive moment. "Oh. We say sorcière. Crazy how different witch sounds in French and Spanish. you like it? It looks even to me since I did it dry like you said."

Madison inspected her new do. She had Meghan cut it just above her shoulders. When straightened it would brush her shoulders. "It looks great. Since you have never cut curly hair before, you did way better than I imagined. I have tried to go to white hairdressers before. They would destroy my hair. You mentioned the difference in words, I was wondering what do I call you? I mean calling you Charlie's sister when talking about you sounds weird."

Meghan finished sweeping up the locks of Madison's hair. "Belle-soeur. You can call me belle-soeur," Meghan replied with a smile. "What do you think my brother is going to think? He loves your hair."

Madison pushed back her bangs behind her ear. "My hair, my decision. He will have to deal."

"Who will have to deal," Charlie asked, walking into the bathroom with Ghost trotting in by his side. Ghost immediately went over to his mother and aunt to greet them after his walk outside. Madison looked up at Charlie to see him staring at her with his mouth hanging open.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that," Madison asked.

Charlie pointed at her, still speechless. "Y-your h-h-hair.....IT'S GONE. Qu'est-il arrivé à tes cheveux!?" Charlie was absolutely distraught and in shock. Ghost tilted his head, confused by his father's extremely unorthodox reaction.

"I cut it off for her," Meghan explained nonchalantly. This caused Charlie's eyes to land on the pile of curls that used to be Madison's long hair.

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