Dress Fitting and Whooping

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AN: For this chapter, Maddie gets to try on a prototype of sorts of the dress she's going to wear to the In the Heights premiere. The designer who makes the dress is a real person and he makes beautiful pieces and is a supporter of BLM and uses various WOC as models in his fashion shoots. For anyone who wants to check out his clothing, this is the website: https://jhoansebastiangrey.com. 

Other than the dress fitting, Maddie shows the boys who is boss in this house in the best way. Maddie is the HBIC! Also, as of the last chapter, Charlie is sort of courting Madison and taking her out to places. Of course Charlie and Madison don't realize this is basically what they are doing. Enjoy!


What was quickly becoming a common occurrence in the band's apartment, Madison, Charlie, Owen, and Jeremy were trying to figure out the plot of the telenovela they were watching. They had been binging the episodes every night with the others and as such, they had come up with their own theories. Owen as the resident Bachelorette and Real Housewives watcher, kept insisting he was right as he knew what contrived drama looked like.

"No! You are wrong! Esmeralda is good! She's not trying to off Marisa," Madison yelled at the sole blond of the group.

Owen shook his head and pointed his finger in Madison's face. "Esmeralda didn't tell her about the key she found. Ow! You bit my finger!"

Madison laughed as he cradled his digit. "Well to be more precise Charlie bit your finger." Owen glared at his floor mate.

Charlie slapped Owen upside the head. "Don't point your fingers at people. It's rude," he admonished the younger musician.

Jeremy nodded at the other end of the coffee table from Madison. "He's right. In some situations, someone could take that as a sign you want to fight."

Owen glared at all of them. "What is it, gang up on Owen day," he whined. As if to prove him right, Ghost, who had been relaxing on the end of the couch next to his father, sneaked behind him and grabbed the back of his underwear and pulled. "OW!!!" Ghost popped his head out and barked to show it was him. "Why you little-," Owen growled reaching for the dog. Owen undoubtedly getting shown up by Ghost again was stopped by a knock at the door to the apartment.

Ricardo jogged over to the door coming from the kitchen. "That must be the designer for your fitting," he said.

Madison checked her phone to see that her phone had set off three reminders about her fitting appointment. She probably didn't hear it over Owen trying to argue his useless point. "Oh yeah. Sorry boys. We'll have to pick this up tonight when we watch the next episode."

Jeremy grabbed the food they had been eating while Charlie picked up Ghost before Owen could try to tackle him. "Well that's our cue to vamoos. We'll see you later, Mads," Jeremy said as he put the plates and food in the sink. Owen glared at Ghost as he followed behind the bassist.

Ricardo opened the door to greet the designer Jhoan Sebastian Grey. He was a sweet Colombian man with a jean jacket over his DNA t shirt, some nice slacks, and loafers. He had on his glasses with his hair slicked just right. He smiled at everyone. "Hola a todos," he said simply.

Madison smiled at the man who had two bags on his arms and an assistant probably around Jeremy's age with even more things. "Hola, Sebastian. Me llamo Maddie. Mucho gusto," she greeted the designer with a handshake and a kiss on each cheek.

Sebastian returned the cheek kisses. "Gracias. Hablas español muy bien." The unexpected compliment threw Madison off and she blushed while looking away a little embarrassed.

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