"And there,
A devil,
In her eyes,
Intrigued me,
Persuaded me,
To fall,
In the pit,
Of her love.
-Hans Bellani
"If I could rewrite my story darling.. I wouldn't have met you sooner...
How could you hurt a little kid? I can't forget, I can't forgive you 'Cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me
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I was being childish. I know that. I know the way I act and things I say are toxic and cause chaos but he drives me over the edge. I can't put into words how much I want to run him over but have him touch me at the same time.
Trisha hated me at this point. I can tell and truthfully, I disliked her as well. She can't assume that I'm a prostitute basically when I'm not. She doesn't know me and I don't know her but from the small interaction I did have with her, I don't like her.
"It sounds unsafe." I tell Cas after he tells us about a plan he has to take down marcus.
"It also isn't going to help find the person who wants to end you."I add which Johnny agrees with me with a head tilt.
"No it isn't but if that person sees me going after marcus, maybe they'll back off with their stupid bullshit threats and stay the hell away from me."
"Why don't you and Marcus work together? Who says this person isn't trying to take him down as well?"
"What a smart little bird. That could be true but befriending Marcus is a death waiting to happen. He cannot be trusted, ever." What has Marcus done to Johnny and Castiel? This runs deeper than business. I know it did.
"I checked into Monica. She has nothing to do with anything and she said the person that drugged Nina had to be someone around her that night. I fucked her boyfriend and he hasn't done anything lately either. Both of them are cleared."
"Great job Trish. I appreciate you doing that. I have no leads and I'm not going to sit around and let Marcus come after us either. I've worked my ass off for my family's business. I need someone to get into his inner circle." He looks at Trisha.
Was I not his first choice? I could easily wiggle my way into Marcus's life.
"He doesn't like me."
"He does me. I could do it." I volunteered myself. I'd help as much as I could and I was capable of doing such.
"No. Absolutely not." Cas gives me a deadly look as if I shouldn't bring it up any more.
"She could get under his wing. He'd take her and take good care of her." Johnny was right. Marcus took a liking to me and my attitude in minutes. I don't think he did it because I was with Castiel but I could be wrong about that.
"No. It isn't safe and marcus would want nothing but a sex puppet." I cringe at Castiel's words.
"Her pussy is her power. She could have someone like Marcus on a leash and you know it. It would be so easy." Trisha just wanted me out of the way now. She wanted to dig her filthy claws back into Castiel.