"And there,
A devil,
In her eyes,
Intrigued me,
Persuaded me,
To fall,
In the pit,
Of her love.
-Hans Bellani
"If I could rewrite my story darling.. I wouldn't have met you sooner...
Got so much to lose Got so much to prove God, don't let me lose my mind
I think I've rolled my eyes so much in the past 30 minutes that they were going to get stuck in the back of my fucking head.
I hated Trisha.
Trish, Trisha, T, whatever the fuck she gets called.
"What the fuck is the point of this Trisha? I'm not undercover anymore. I got the weapon business under my hands and Castiel is on board with it. Shit is going good for us, don't fuck it up."
Let's just say.. Carlos took a different career path and so did everyone of his men that didn't want to follow.
I'm not happy that it turned out that way but power is everything.
"Castiel is blinded. With her around, he isn't capable of being the leader. He is going to let Marcus take away everything we've fought for, even this fucker who's trying to get us." She was right but I was loyal to Castiel.
"Yeah so he has been distracted lately. He deserves love. I haven't seen his ass like this ever. You know how fucked he was before her." Nina was a good woman and her ass makes her the deadliest distraction.
When Castiel isn't looking, it is hard to keep my eyes off her. Thankfully, he can't either so he can't really tell that I'm so caught up in her beauty too.
"I didn't mind her at first. I thought they'd fuck and he'd push her out of the way but he hasn't and she is going to fuck us up."
"Us?" Last I checked, she was kicked to the curb.
"I fucked a lot of nasty men for Castiel. I've been holding up his foundation just as much as you and Ricardo. Sammy helped as well but you know he is dead and we could be next." I slammed my hands on the table.
"I won't turn my back on Castiel and if you were smart, you wouldn't either." Cas wouldn't kill me. I know he wouldn't.
He would make my life a living hell though.
She smirks before unzipping her jacket to reveal her red bralette. Typical Trisha, using her pussy to convince me.
"Our days of rough sex is over with."
"Don't you miss me?" She smirks.
"Have you seen Nina?" Her eyes turn cold.
"Don't tell me you have a crush on her?" I didn't say anything.
"You can't."
"I know. I know. I can never be with her, not with the way Castiel has chased her and how much he cares about her."
"Does she want him as well?" I nod.
"I just left his place. They should be getting it on right about now." I glanced at my watch. Nina was effortlessly gorgeous and liking her isn't a crime. I just wish I didn't like her this much. I barely know her.
I see what Castiel sees.
"Doesn't that hurt? Always getting his leftover whores."
"You know she isn't a whore. She's a virgin." He was taking her first and for some reason, that doesn't sit right with me. I defend him but envy him. I hated that I felt like this.
"No fucking way." It is hard to believe.
"That explains why the chase is so hard. That little bitch loves teasing doesn't she? Explains why he wouldn't let her wiggle her way into Marcus's life. He wants to pop that cherry." I wince before pulling out a smoke.
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"Can you not say that? Dammit Trisha. He loves her."
I wish he didn't but I knew he did. He was so in love and too stubborn to admit it.
"Stop being so fucking blind and fucking stupid. You'll never be his girl. He fucked you crazy years ago and you haven't forgotten about him since. She's won, face it." She zips her jacket back up.
She needs to move on.
"You need to get the old Castiel back."
"He is still the old Castiel. A little stupider now but trust me, he'd kill you right now and wouldn't give a thought to it."
"He has always been good at being two steps ahead. God.. that's what makes him so sexy." I was tired of talking to her.
"Make up your mind.. is he too sexy or too stupid right now?"
"I'm going to talk to him. Somebody has to make him see clearer. This is his chance to take Marcus down then take down this fucking pussy hiding behind a screen." She grabs the smoke out of my hand.
"You do whatever you want to do, just don't drag me into it."
"You've always been a follower huh?" I chuckled.
"And you've always been a cuntless whore."
"You didn't complain two months ago when you bent me over your bike."
"Got to get off somehow." I stand to put my jacket on.
"You won't have her.. ever. She loves him, I made her see that. I made her see that she was playing games. I'm the reason she's finally fucking him."
"You gave some fake bullshit over breakfast and now look at you.. did you mean any of it?" You can never trust a snake. Trisha words are glass, so breakable.
"Most of it but one thing.. I love Castiel. I've been in love with Castiel for years and I won't ever stop being there for him. He will fuck up and I'll be back in his arms and she'll never forgive him once she sees me with him." What a snake.
I like Nina but I'm not coming between them.
"I'd do anything to stay under his arm and I felt like I was losing my spot. Nothing a little bit of false words to feed a naive bitch and it worked. He's getting laid. He'll call me soon and thank me and then boom, I'm back." She was so stupid.
"I wouldn't count on it. You're not his right wing anymore. She's the only girl he will ever need. What else would you be good for besides fucking the men he needs answers out of?"
"I'll be fucking him soon."
"No. No, you won't Trisha. Mark my words, it would take the world ending for him to ever fuck you again. The man is about to be pussy whipped. He hadn't even gotten it yet and looked at him.. you're funny, you know that. You actually made my night."
She looks at me and I've never once been more serious about anything in my life until that.
"I'll keep hoping"
"Keep wishing, keep hoping, hell, manifest it. Hopefully you find another good fuck buddy or you'll be a bigger bitch than you're now." I get out to my bike and see that someone slashed my fucking tire.
Great! Just fucking great. I couldn't control my anger and I knocked over my bike before dropping to my knees. I hate this fucking job. I hate that everyone is my fucking enemy and I hate that I didn't say anything to Nina about what I know about Castiel.
She would've thought twice before giving in to him but it was too late now. I kept my fucking mouth shut but at what cost? She'd never look at me again for not telling her and Castiel would kill me. I can only keep it quiet now.