7. Slate Gray

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I scoffed down the remainder of my blueberry pancakes and black coffee while adjusting my tie trying to be the least bit presentable. I'm supposed to be covering an old friends job position while he's out doing... we'll just say business.

Im only doing it because I owe him, it's only fair I uphold my end of the bargain.

James is a PE teacher at the local high school, I don't know why he does it, he gets plenty of money being apart of my fathers company. I think it gives him a sense of joy and normality, which we all need in this line of work.

i groaned remembering it's only for 2 weeks, it'll fly by in no time.

I decided on a plain white dress shirt with a fitted tie and black pants, as little care as I had about this I knew I needed to find something fitting to be introduced to the principal.

They were short on staff and since James was heading away they urged him to find a suitable replacement for the time being, and considering I owe him and have the ability to botch records, it was as easy as cutting cake.

I could've easily had one of my employees do the job but sometimes it's just better you than anyone else.

I parked the black Lincoln continental in a spot out the back away from the crowds forming at the front of the gates. God I didn't miss high school, not that I was there much of the time.
Living in the small town of Cadaqués it made it easy to rebel. London was a different story.

After all, this was the towns main high school so considering the amount of kids and teenagers wondering the grounds, I wasn't too surprised.

The school seemed like every other normal high school. Groups of each sort of genre scattered the halls plaguing the area with their uncommon looks and expressions, some in their jock uniforms, others showing off more skin than a hairless cat, some in their gym outfits already and then the other kids who were just normal everyday people.

American high schools are all to typical and predictable.
I'll admit I felt out of place, my tall frame towered the crowd, some looking up in confusion, others with awe, some with furrowed brows, all no doubt blissfully unaware of the fact I would be facing them for the next 2 weeks, and well I'll be honest I'm not a darl to be around.

Don't get be wrong, I'm polite, I have manners and I'm respectful but that doesn't mean I'm like every other teacher on planet earth.

"Mr Rider please come in" the older gentlemen ushered me towards a small office room in the back of the crowded staff room.

"Obviously your a friend of James which makes you a friend of mine and your record is quite impressive, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, besides it's only 2 weeks" his smile nearly blinded me. How could someone be so energetic at a job like this.

"Well uh thank you...can I ask what exactly will be my role? just so I have an understanding" I sat casually in the large sofa seat opposite the dark wooden desk. A line of dolphin ornaments lined the edges, each with a year printed on the bottom. Must be a dolphin fan.

"Well it'll be easy, just PE. The kids have 3 physical classes a week then 1 theoretical class. You'll be teaching the seniors. They have an assignment due shortly which they already know what they're doing so really you'll only be needed if they have a questions or need any help"

Sounded simple, easy enough to live through for 2 weeks.
"And during physical classes, what will I be doing?"

"Running track. That's the main focus this term"
He seemed more than trusting that I would get the hang of it within a matter of hours, which no doubt I would.

As foreign as this place was, the job was simple, run and sit at a desk until a clueless teenager asked a question easy enough for a 10 year old to answer.

After filling out pages of documents and legislations I was given a sheet of paper with the times of my classes and a map of the school, each room with its own unique number. This should be easy.

"Your such an asshole, you realise nobody actually likes you right? Your in your prime right now, just wait till next year, you'll be hanging around at the same shitty diner with the same shitty friends so laugh all you want, prick"

Great already a situation on my hands and it wasn't even 9am. What's the go with seniors? Why can't everyone just keep to themselves.

I stood patiently waiting against one of the blue painted lockers lined up against the walls, my arms crossed over my chest just eyeing the situation, unsure of wether or not I should do anything. I'll admit it was entertaining.

Why does that hair look so familiar? Long caramel locks cascading down past the luscious hip bones... scent of honey and coconut filling the fogged air. What're the chances? Low id imagine, although that's hard to believe right now.

Her back now faced my front, her eyes glued down the hallway, not once scattering the area. I stayed stuck in my position, just a tall figure on the side of the wall both admiring and left wondering all at once.

Her steps become uneven when a foot pressed it's way in front of legs, within an instant she was on the floor of the halls, her legs hitting the ground like a bag of frozen ice.

People laughed, others mocked, some watched expressionless, others walked by as if it were a daily routine that'd be happening for their whole lives. But not one offering a helping hand.

A pool of fire formed low beneath the roughness of my skin, my tongue stuck hard between my clenched teeth, my eyes narrowed as I watched a boy, no older than 19 no younger than 18, pull his foot back and spit straight onto the floor, just missing her by an inch.

All I wanted more than anything was too bury his face six feet beneath the earth, but considering where I was and who I was 'meant' to be right now, I knew that would most likely be the worst decision I could make for myself, so I settled on something a little less...abrupt.

"Excuse me, I'm gonna need you to head to the principals office"

Never thought I'd hear myself say that.

My gaze burning blissfully into a pair of ignorant eyes which held nothing but stupidity and foolishness.

"Parent teacher interviews are down the hall bud, don't get your nose in something it doesn't belong old man"

Apart of me wanted to curl him up in my fist and break him until his organs dripped from my blood soaked hands. Yet there I was once again finding myself becoming more versatile.

But that doesn't mean I've changed completely...
With each step I took closing in the space between us, my eyes throwing daggers, my jaw locked like a bolt, his eyes slowly began to show a sense of vulnerability.

We were merely inches apart, I could smell the fear migrating all over his dead beat body.

A slight creek of a smile cocked to the side of my lips feeling almost satisfied with his embodiment. I let the palm of my hand find it's way onto the top of his shoulder, my smile presently shadowing my barbaric thoughts.

With each second I increased the pressure of my thumb in between the collar bone and the Acromioclavicular joint, a point that binds the two together to create a line.

With each second the increased pressure let my thumb dig deep into the joint. I watched his eyes bulge and teeth chatter, the pain suddenly reached his mind and he almost coward beneath me, he hissed lightly trying his very best to mask a brave man in front of his high school buddies.

I lowered my head only far enough for him to hear, no one else.

"You feel that? That's your two shoulder muscles disconnecting, 3 more centimetres and it'll become two bones, now apologise to the girl and go.to.the.principals.office....

His eyes sterned, he was fighting it.

"....2 centimetres.....1"

His vocal cords let out a howl of agony in which I then released the pressure allowing him to scrambled down the halls whispering incoherently a mellow apology before disappearing down
slate gray halls.

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