16. Cherry Blossom

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My body laid gently on a what felt like the comfort of a thousand clouds. I didn't want to open my eyes yet incase I was dreaming, because if this was a dream I never wanted to be awoken...

A small beam of orange tinted light shun softly in my once closed shut eyes. Candles scattered on either side of the bed, both radiating a cherry blossom scent.
A light breeze blew across my water stained face causing my eyes to dry out suddenly.

The room was huge, engulfed in dark grey walls that wrapped around me in a comfort. The large tainted window sat open on a nearby ledge just above a reading couch.

I could see a glass chandelier hanging just above the bed, photos of different places in the world spread out over the walls, a walk in wardrobe, a bathroom tucked away in the corner, it was dark, yet I could hear the sound of water trembling down smacking into the bottom of the shower floor.

All different types of medication lined the side of each draw that sat beside me. A white bandage draped over my mid stomach applying a generous amount of pressure.
The only explanation I could think of was I was either shot or stabbed, neither were ideal.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the sudden stop of water rung in the room.

I sat up as far as my body could take me as if the higher I sat the more safety I had, which in reality is far from any truth.

A tall dark figure emerged from the dark room...

He had a towel covering his lower half, water dripping off his chiseled body, tattoos spread out all over his lower abdomen, his dark hair sprayed out across his face...he was beautiful, even more beautiful than the first time I laid eyes on him...if that's even possible.

He walked into the wardrobe pulling out different cloths, chucking them to the side of the room.

As much as I wanted to continue mesmerising over his beauty, I used all my strength to look away.

After a few minutes I heard the wardrobe door fling open. He had a tight black shirt on, his muscles squeezing through the sleeves, a pair of navy blue shorts and black socks.

Somehow he still hadn't notice my presence...that was until I broke the dead quiet silence...

"Grey?" My voice as quiet as a heart that beats no more, yet somehow loud enough for him to turn around and notice my awoken body.

"May? your awake, thank god"

He rushed over to my side sitting right next to me as he placed his hands on either side of my face giving me a look of complete relief.

I had so many questions.

"Where am I?"

"Your at my home" his voice was gentle and comforting

He stroked his fingers through my hair trying desperately to comfort me.

"Who are you?, why has this happened, who hurt me? why didn't you take me to a hospital? Why did you leave?"

I couldn't stop myself, the questions all came out at once, I longed for answers.

"I can't give you all the answers, but whoever hurt you was only trying to hurt me, I brought you here so I could protect you"

"To protect me? look at me...tell me what the hell happened. Why the hell it happened"

"I can't tell you everything may, it'll put too much worry on your shoulders, too much risk for danger, and I won't allow that, not anymore than I already have"

"I'm not a child anymore, I can handle myself, you left me remember? without any explanation, now your back and I have a hole in me. Tell me what's going on now"

He hesitated as much as possible before he caved.

"I'm a boss May, I'm the owner of a multi billion dollar company which trades food okay.
There are people who are constantly after my money, that's why i try my best not to hand out my information. I couldn't take you to a hospital incase too many questions were asked. There are doctors who I'm close too, ones that don't pry"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All this time all these years I've wondered who he really was, why he showed up out of nowhere in a town where everyone knew everyone.

"Your lying" I spat out in complete denial.

"I'm telling the truth. Why do you think no one ever knew me back in Beverly? how do you think I afford all this?" he stated, gesturing towards all the expensive items filling the calm cozy room.

I believed he was telling the truth, I just didn't want to believe it.

"You didn't answer my last question"

He stood there silent not wanting to elaborate further.

"I-I had a job opportunity" Not daring to make eye contact with me.

I don't know why I felt disappointed, apart of me wanted him to say he was trying to protect me. I always think things are what they aren't, don't be stupid.

He was a stranger who saw a person in pain, he helped and that was it, nothing more nothing less.


I didn't know what to think.

I turned over not wanting to linger on him a second longer, yet I could feel his eyes staring at my back. 
I need to call Amber, she's probably worried sick. How am I gonna explain this?

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