Chapter 12: Feelings

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Narrator's POV

Yohan went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast.

"Good morning," Zarah said.

"Morning," Yohan said.

"Are you feeling better already? You don't have a fever anymore?" Zarah said, going close to Yohan and placing her hand on his forehead.

"Yes, and thank you for caring for me," Yohan said while looking at Zarah.

"No problem," Zarah said shyly.

"Let's eat. I am done cooking us breakfast," Yohan said, putting what he cooked on their plate.

Yohan and Zarah ate breakfast, and when they were done eating, they went to their rooms to get ready for work. As usual, Yohan went to the company first.

Zarah's POV

What a long day! My back aches from sitting too long.

I arranged my things on my desk, ready to go home.

"Let's go out together, Zarah," Lara told me.

Okay," I answered Lara.

When we were about to leave, I looked at Yohan's office; he was still working. Maybe he will go home shortly. I hope he will not work overtime because it worries me.

I also need to go grocery shopping because the fridge is almost empty.

When I'm done buying groceries, I leave the mall, but someone grabs my wrist. I looked to see who it was, and it was just Damon. I panicked for a bit back there.

"Oh, Damon. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I just bought something at the department store. Are you going home?" Damon asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Come with me. I will give you a ride," Damon offered.

"Okay," I said, following Damon to the parking lot.

"Let me bring that grocery bag for you." I gave Damon the grocery bag because it's pretty heavy.

We stopped in front of Damon's car, and he opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I thanked Damon.

"No problem. By the way, can I get your number to contact each other? I need to include you in my phonebook." Damon handed me his phone, and I took it to register my phone number.

"Here," I gave back his phone. He called my number to confirm if it was my phone number, and it rang.

"Okay. That would be my number," Damon said, and I registered his number on my phone.

After a few minutes, I arrived at Yohan's home. Is he still out?

Damon got out of the car and handed me the grocery bag.

"Thank you so much, Damon." I'm thankful for Damon. This is the second time that he has accompanied me.

"No problem. It would be best if you went inside now. I think Yohan is home already because the lights are on." I looked, and the lights were on. Yohan is home.

"Yeah," Damon said, going inside his car.

"Drive safely," I said.

"I will," and he drove off.

I went inside, and I saw Yohan watching TV.

Yohan went to me and carried the grocery bag.


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