An Unknown Love. Part 1

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Hey! New story for you guys!!! :) This chapter isn't very long, but I'll upload part two tomorrow, just to give it a bit more :D I quite like writing this story, and I hope you like it. It is another student teacher (surprise) but I quite liked the idea of having a trilogy sort of thing. I promise, this is the last one :D 
Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
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“Roxanne get back here!” My Maths teacher called after me. I ignored Mr Hartley and made my way towards my locker.

“You’re going to be in deeper shit if you ignore him again. We’ve been here before,” Jessie said following me.

“But this time I plan on getting to my car before he catches up.” I opened my locker and dumped my Maths books before grabbing my bag. There is no way I’m doing Maths over the weekend. I’m not really good at Maths this year, so I’ve just decided not to try. I’m happy with my sixty odd percent.

I shut my locker before making my way towards the car. “If you’re not quick enough you can walk home.” I shoved my way through the crowd of students, much to their protest and entered the car park. I glanced back and saw Jessie was right behind me.

The relief that ran through me as I made it to my car was amazing. I quickly unlocked it before getting in. As soon as Jessie was in I started the car. “You were lucky today,” Jessie said making me smile and look over at him. And out of the window I could see Mr Hartley walk out of the building. He looked around the front of school until his eyes fell on my car. “But I still think he’ll come over," he pointed out the obvious. Mr Hartley did what Jessie said, and made his way towards my car. I took off the hand brake before driving out of the space. As soon as the road was clear I pulled out. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Mr Hartley walk back towards the building. “You’re still screwed for Monday,” Jessie laughed and I shrugged.

“Why do I care? I have my Friday afternoon free to hang out with my bestie.” I jokingly punched his shoulder. 

“To the mall then?” He said dramatically. I glanced at him and nodded.

This is what I call a normal Friday. When I have Maths before lunch my Maths teacher, Mr Hartley, always gives me a detention after school. But last period when I have him again, I always make a run for it. The furthest I usually get to is the door to the car park before he catches up. But luckily today I made it to my car. I think the crowd of students helped me out. And Jessie was always right behind me.

I’ve known Jessie since we were in primary (elementary) school together. We’ve been best friends for years and we do everything together. We’re in most classes together and we hang out all the time. We are basically inseparable; we’re like brother and sister. 

Jessie was on all of the sports teams and was quite popular. I was also quite popular; I talked to everyone in our year. But while he did football (soccer) and cricket, I did field hockey and football too. But I was also the musical one. We were a little bit opposite, but were best friends. I love him to pieces.

“I don’t understand why you hate him so much.” Jessie broke the silence that had settled between us. I glanced over at Jessie and smiled.

“You hate him too." 

He laughed and shrugged. “I only hate him because you hate him. It’s like I hate Miss Brown and you hate her even though you used to like her.” He pointed out to me. I laughed and nodded.

“Very true,” I said pulling up at a red light. “I’ve just never liked him,” I told him with a shrug. “You’re in the same class; you know how we get on.” I looked at him with a knowing look.

“Yeah, I do. And I’m surprised that either of you are still alive, you’ve not been suspended or that he’s still teaching there.” He listed them off on his fingers. I laughed and drove off. “But you did get on with him last year. As much as you could have,” he added at the end. “You two used to have a laugh with each other and actually talk. You were his favourite and everyone knew it; even Haley knew it. Now-” he tried to continue but I cut him off.

“I wasn’t his favourite. We just didn’t argue as much.”

“Now, all you do is argue with each other. It’s strange,” he said as I pulled into a parking space. I ignored him and got out of the car. I just don’t get on with Hartley, there’s nothing else to it.

That basically was my excuse as to why I didn’t like him. All the girls fancy him, but I don’t see it. He just really annoys me. We always argue and he always puts me in lunchtime detentions. But lately he’s been trying to put me into Friday detentions after school. And he has got me there, but since Friday detentions got moved to the library, I really can’t be bothered. I can cope with being in a room on my own, but when other people get involved, I can’t deal with it. Mr Hartley is just too annoying for me to like him. We just don’t get along.

“I don’t see why he gives me more detentions than you.” I finally spoke to him. “You’re just as bad as me, and you always start it anyway.” I complained making him laugh, as we walked into the mall.

“It’s because you are actually worse than me. I’m bad, but you’re on a whole different level.” 

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the milkshake stand. I have to say now, I love an Oreo milkshake. “He just really pisses me off when he tells me to do something. And then we get into an argument and it just goes around in circles. He starts it so he’s the one to blame.” 

He laughed and shook his head at me. “It’s probably because I get A’s and you don’t. And he’s a teacher; he’s supposed to tell you to do stuff.” He sent me a smug smirk. I shrugged and folded my arms across my chest.

“I don’t really care to be honest. After this year I never have to see him again.” That thought made me so happy. We’re like oil and water. We don’t mix, we’re just completely different.

“Anyway,” Jessie said bumping his shoulder with mine. “Forget about Mr Asshole for the weekend.” He smirked as I laughed at him. “Are you going out tomorrow night? It’s Nathan’s birthday so he’s having a party at his house.” 

I smiled as we walked further in the queue. “Do you really have to ask? You know if there’s a party I’m going.”

He laughed and nodded. “And it gives me an excuse to buy a new dress.” I said excited to go shopping. He groaned and let his head fall down on my shoulder.

“I don’t want to go dress shopping with you. You always take hours, and I like going home for dinner.” He complained like a child. I don’t really take that long shopping. I just need to find something I’m going to wear more than once, and that I actually like. I laughed and pushed him off of me.

“I promise we’ll be home for dinner. And if not we can always come in tomorrow before the party.” I gave him an innocent smile. He smirked and shook his head.

“Oh Rox I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, making me smile. 

“You probably wouldn’t get in as much trouble as you do now.” I told him honestly. Most times when we get in trouble, it’s because of something I did. I’m surprised he still hangs out with me to be honest.

“Yeah but it keeps school exciting.” He laughed as we walked up to the counter.

I don’t know what I’d do without Jessie either.


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