An Unknown Love. Part 17

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Hey guys :) so my exams are over so I should have more time to update. But I'm a wee bit sad that I'm not going back to school again :( as sad as it sounds, I loved going to school. But I can't stay there for ever.

I think you'll like this chapter though :D I'm quite happy with it. I think Rox and Lewis are so cute together :) so hopefully you do like it.

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Photo on the side is the dress Rox wore :) Enjoy!



"Your time is up." The examiner said from the front of the room. I sighed and closed over my paper. I ran my hands through my hair as the papers were collected. I have to say that was one of the hardest papers I have ever done. "Please leave quietly as there are still exams going on."

I gathered up my things and stood up. I walked out of the hall and met up with Jessie. "That was interesting," he said as I lifted my bag.

"No, it was awful." I looked at him and put my bag over my shoulder. "Lets just go home," I smiled slightly and started walking towards the exit. From the corner of my eye I saw Mr Hartley talking to a group of people from my class. I ignored him and left the building.

"Do you eat to go get some lunch or something?" Jessie asked as we walked across the playground.

"Yeah I could use a drive to clear my head. That was an awful exam to end on." I got out my keys, and sighed.

"Roxy, hold on!" Hartley said from behind me. I ignored him, not wanting to talk about the exam. "Sarky," he grabbed my arm and held me back. I sighed and turned to face him.

"What?" I knew exactly what he wanted.

"I really want to have a chat about the exam. Can you stay back for a little while? I just need to run up to the hall and grab a spare paper." He smiled slightly, putting his hands in his pockets. I looked over at Jessie who nodded.

"I'll meet you by your car. I need to go talk to someone about Uni stuff anyway. Just text me when you're done." He smiled before walking off. I looked back at Hartley and shrugged.

"If you want."

He nodded and started walking back towards the hall. "I'll meet you in my room?" He suggested holding the door open for me. I nodded and walked towards his room. I really can't be assed doing this. I just want to relax until the dinner tonight.


"What did you think of it?" Hartley asked walking back into the room.

"I honestly think it went so shit." I muttered, still sitting on a table.

"I doubt that," he said down at the table. "Sit down," he opened up the paper. I sighed and sat down beside him. "Did you answer every question?"

"Yeah," I folded my arms in the table, before resting my chin on them.

"That's more than what half of the other candidates would had done." He glanced at me, before looking back at the paper. "Tell me how you did everything so I can see how you did. But I know you, and I know you're capabilities so I know you've done fine."

"No because going over it will just make me feel like crap." I groaned and burrowed my face in my arms.

"Don't do that to yourself Sarky. Sit up and tell me what you did." He pulled my shoulders up. "I'll not tell you how you were supposed to do it. That's what will make you feel like shit." He made me sit up before putting the paper between us.

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