Domino Dancing

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Kind: Fluff
Characters: Steve x Eddie (mlm)
Words: 1901

*best if you know the song Domino Dancing by The Petshop Boys*

"Yo Harrington" Eddie said seeing Steve cold.

"What?" He snapped back

"Oh well if you're gonna be a bitch about it here" Eddie said throwing his jacket at him.

"Thanks" He whispered.

Steve and Eddie were on a walk and were going back to Steves house. Dustin was staying at Steves house because something came up with his family and his parents had to leave and it was his birthday the next day. you may be asking 'why is eddie there?' or 'why are they on a walk?' to answer both questions the answer is because it was Dustins birthday, he wanted Eddie to sleep over and they're on a walk because Steve had been in the house all day and needed some exercise. Dustin was watching a movie while they were out.

"So I have a question"

"what now?"

"So about tonight.."

"what about it?"

"Whats for dinner?"

"I don't know. We can ask Dustin when we get back"

"Okay.. you liked Robin right?"

"Yeah a while ago"

"Mhm mhm and have you liked anyone since then?"

"why do you want to know?"

"Still like Nancy?"


"Are you sure? because I could've sworn that you guys were flirting back in the ol' upside down"

"Thats why you threw your jacket at me. You were jealous"

"No no"

"why are you even asking?"

"because I think you and Nancy should get back together" Eddie lyed.

"Really?" Steve said trying to cover up his broken heart that physically hurt.

"well thats not gonna happen"

"oh why not?"

"dude she likes Robin"


".. its pretty obvious"

"How is it obvious?"

"Have you not seen them flirting?"

"We flirt and we're just friends"

There was silence for a couple seconds.

"And have you noticed that whenever we have a movie night they always sit and cuddle together?"

"We do that"

".. Eds is there something you want to tell me"

"I want pasta for dinner"

Steve rolled is eyes in response. They got to the house and Dustin was still watching T.V.

"Have fun on your date?"

"I'll have fun with your mom if you call it a date again"

"Someones mad"

"Go cry about it bitch"

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