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Kind: Fluff
Characters: Steve x Eddie (mlm)
Words: 2042

Steve has never been a big fan of rock music but his friends got tickets to see Corroded Coffin who apparently were really big at the time. His friends loved them a lot so Steve decided to go. The day comes around and his friends were so excited. They got to the concert and his friends ditched him. He knew this was gonna happen. He was so fed up that he just went to get a drink until someone bumped into him.

"Oh shit sorry dude" Said a 6'3 dressed in all black obviously trying to cover up dude.

"Its no problem dont worry"

"Is there something I can do?"

"Yeah get me back stage since my friends ditched me" He replied jokingly.

"I can do that"


"Yeah follow me"


Something was telling Steve that this was a bad idea and that this man could easily kidnap him but his curiosity got the better of him. They got back stage which surprised him since he thought he was joking.

"I'm Eddie by the way" He said taking off his sunglasses and big coat to reveal a very attractive young man with long, black, curly hair which Steve instantly fell head over heals for.

"Harrington, Steve Harrington"

The two went to into a room and started talking.

"Whats you're favorite song?"

"umm We're Not Gonna Take It by-"

"Twisted Sister. I love that song, Its so cool. Gimme a sec"

Eddie ran out and did something. Steve got curious and saw Eddie talking to luke. He didn't think much of it so he didn't do anything. Eddie came back and they talked for a while before someone came in.

"Eddie you're on in 10"

"Alright thanks Luke"

"Hey follow me"

He helped Steve up and took him near the front if the stage off to the side so nobody would see him.

"You get front row seats" Eddie winked.

"Here Eddie" Luke said giving Eddie a guitar.

"Thanks Luke"

Steve was so confused while 3 people walked up on stage until Eddie walked on too. Its only hit him that Eddie was the lead singer and guitarist of the band. Steve stared in shock. Girls were screaming "I love you" and stuff which Steve could understand. Eddie was really attractive and a lead guitarist? hes a total snatch. Oh his friends would be so jealous if they knew.

Sometime during the show, Security realised Steve was there and called Luke over.

"Hey whos that?" Security asked

"I'm not sure but I saw him with Eddie so I think hes his boyfriend" Luke replied

"Okay thanks"

"No problem" and Luke walked away.

Steve looked out into the crowd and actually saw his friends. He saw them with some other people and having a good time. Eddie pin pointed who Steve was looking at and guessed it was his friends. After the song ended he could hear one of his friends shout



Steve burst out laughing and couldn't stop for a while. Whenever he thought about it he'd laugh a bit. They played a couple more song until something Steve never thought would happen happened.

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