V.I Meet the dog headed god

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Hi Hannah here, co-leader of Ivan's team, serious, funny, powerful [Hey I heard that!], protective and Kat's former psychologist. (well I don't have any salary he-he) I'm also a good friend. And if you're asking that I really met a jackal-headed god? Ah no, you're wrong. He is not a jackal-headed god. In fact I'm in love with him, he's so sweet and cute [no not like you Ivan]. By the way his name is Anubis, god of the dead, funerals blah-blah but for Egyptians only.

But first let's talk about Ms. magic,[sorry about the nickname Kristine].

"I am Isis goddess of magic"

My first reaction was, who, wait what?!. But words failed me, I was just there, jaw dropping, staring at awe, then everybody from that area applauded Kristine like nothing happened.

"That was cool miss!" Those words, what I heard freaked me out......the mist is fading and weakening but..how?

"Did you saw those ribbons?!" one exclaimed.

"That monster was very scary like it came out from a horror movie!" One shouted. The mist was really weakening. Four words popped in my mind. Get out of here.

"Okay team, move out!" Ivan yelled then we quickly scampered back to our vehicles and raced back to Camp Fairchild while along the way I called Ivan.

"Ivan bad news the mist is weakening!" I yelled through the hologram that showed his face full of fear. By his expression he was clueless, we have to report to Ares immediately.

"Hannah what's wrong?" Krista asked me.

"The mist, it's going weak. if it fades completely....there would be a total chaos." I explained while avoiding cars that blocked our path. I looked through the mirror all of their expressions were horrified.

"You mean-" Matthew looked thunderstruck when he said his words.

"Yes Matthew what you're thinking is right, mortals now are able to see these monsters, and there will be total chaos."

"Hannah's correct, without the mist's protection, everything would be in chaos. Unless Kristine knows a spell." Oh shoot, I forgot Ivan, what he said was very strange a spell no way. Greeks shouldn't have spells. Unless.....like one of the books that I read, Egyptians and Hindus whatever do use magic. But by spells.....Egyptians are the only one who can use it. Isis is an Egyptian goddess...which means It can't be.

"Ivan let me talk to Kristine." I said, Kristine spoke up.

"Hi Hannah I suppose you would ask that. But yes I am Isis is an Egyptian goddess, this amulet is from Egypt a symbol of her, and the staff? Yes from Egypt too. The spells that you have heard are Egyptian spells. I'm just possessed by Isis, I'm still the Kristine you know."

"But with power!" James exclaimed.

"Shut up James!" Both of us shouted.


"Let's talk about this later, end transmission." Then the hologram collapsed.


We're on the council at that time, we discussed the mist.

"Ares yes the mist is weakening. It's just a matter of time, before it fades completely. The people awhile ago saw the monster." Ivan explained with a dead serious tone.

"Seems it it's happening." Ares laced his hands and rested his forehead on his beefy hands.

"What's happening?" Mirafe asked him, eyes widened.

"All of the Evil forces are planning to amke chaos. First they, are of to destroy the mist, then conquer everything. It all boils down to one enemy, we all call him, Satan." Now, that was disturbing, Ivan jumped to his feet, and pounded his fist on the table.

"Sa-WHAT?!" He tilted his head towards Ares.

"Yes Ivan I've heard intel with Gabriel, he gave me the news. Satan, and the others are rising up, Gaea, Set, the evil ones are rising up. We need to gather enough forces to hold them back and make them sorry for all of their damages to this world."That was way too disturbing, Ivan looked at Katarina's seat.

"Where's Kat? She needs to hear this! Hannah, I'm sure you know where-"

"Hi....do you need me?" Kat, showed up with her head down.


"It's...It's okay Hannah" Katarina stiffled a sob, her voice broke. I went to Ivan and slapped him right infront of the others. [I know I know Ivan it did hurt.]

"remember Ivan, Kat is still moving on she's trying to-" Then he stormed off the room.

"Hannah, you shouldn't have done that to him. He's trying hard to move on. I'm going after him." Kristine followed, Kat sank to her chair looking devastated.

"I cried for the whole day...... I heard Ivan's words 'you're the best'... He,he-" Kat cried pitifully. Poor girl, if it wasn't for their breakup, she would be happy right now, sleeping with Ivan, and had this "date". I feel sorry for her, but there's nothing that I can do.

I just sank down to my chair, and cursed silently.

"Okay council has adjourned, I'll call you tomorrow for another meeting. You guys deserve a good rest. " Ares said, and the rest of us headed to our rooms, I helped Kat to her room and dried off her tears. Then she slept on my lap, a part of my wanted to leave her alone. Instead I just stayed with her.

" It's okay Ivan it's okay, move on away from Kat. " Kristine' s voice echoed through the hallway, Kat winced when she heard Kristine words.

She cried again, she was so depressed. She took a look at the picture frame of him and Kat. She threw it across the room and sobbed more. I picked up the broken picture frame, and put it to it's place, I went out to get the broom, and I heard a horrible wail on Kat's room. I ran towards her..

" KAT WHATS GOT-That's weird, maybe a bad dream. " I held back myself, good thing she didn't do, something bad. She was sleeping tightly now.... Poor girl, I remember myself before when I lost Nathan. (long story)

Anyway, sorry, I was leading you out of the story. Later that evening...

I was on the balcony, staring to the stars, how I missed my old life in Philippines. When there were no problems at all, when I was studying.... Sigh, I just wish that I was back in my old school.

While I was Staring at the Horizon someone spkoe to me.

" Have a problem?"

I looked to my left.... Not to mention but he looked like a jackal.

"A jackal? " I asked.

" Oh yeah right, focus on the human side. " the guy said.

I closed my eyes and opened them, he was not jackal anymore instead he was a 14 year old guy. Handsome, and his eyes sparkled like miniature stars...... Lovely.

" I'm Anubis, and you're? " He asked.

Words had failed me again instead of saying my name.

" Your Future wife" I said dreamily. Anubis chuckled very cutely, I was really to fall-in love with him. [no Ivan you don't sound like him]

"I-I mean I'm Hannah, nice to meet you" I said coming back to reality.

"Yeah I have a problem" Then I pointed to Katarina. Anubis walked towards her.

"Ha-Tep" He muttered with his handsome voice.

"She's going to be okay for a day, keep on looking after her Hannah. " Oh my God! He said my name! I thought.

" I'm leaving see you sometime. " He said but I ran up to him.

" Okay bye Anubis" Then I kissed him by his cheek, to my surprise he kissed mine too. Sigh, I'm falling in love. Then he jumped out of the Window, and I fell asleep on Kat's bed.

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