IX.Next stop: Death

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         Hi! Kat here! Yeah, Ivan is sweet I know. Well, anyway, yes Katarina's my name, Kat for short. One of the "saviors". Ivan's ex, crazy (the other way around silly), playful, fun, friendly, funny, and likes to laugh.  Yeah, you heard me I laugh a lot at crazy jokes. 

"Next stop, Egypt" Ivan said, for second thought I thought "Next stop, Death" Well, look from what Kristine said earlier, It was just like, okay now that is very, very,very bad. I didn't even had the chance to ask what do they look like. The ship vibrated, the thrusters have activated. 

"Jarvis, activate sonars, autopilot,and the optical camouflage. Thank you." He turned to me.

"Oh hey Kat, what are you doing here? Not tired?" He asked, I snapped out of my little daydream.

"Nothing, I just realized that you still really did, make me happy even though..that you have another one." I said while my eyes, gleaming with sorrow, guilt, and grief.

"Why what's wrong with it?" he asked.

"You have Kristine, and she might blow you to pieces." I pointed out, instead he just winked.

"We have it under control, sleep now Kat we have a long night to go",he said with a hollow voice,"I'll be sleeping too-" He stopped abruptly, a chilling breeze went in....like that of a ghost. I heard someone whispered behind my ear.

"Did you feel that?" I asked

"Oh that? It was Sofia visiting",he said surely,"And do you have Trinity with you?" he asked that and made me shiver, I nodded and mouthed why.

"Sofia said to expect an eidolon attack. I'll be getting Light to his full form through the night." For second thoughts yeah I was right about the "Death" part that I thought awhile ago. I had that same chill again, I heard someone spoke. "It's okay Kat, just trust him." That gave me the chills. Ivan nodded to thin air, then it was cozy again. 

"You sleep now, wear Trinity all the night, think of her as a protective shield that way, the eidolons won't approach you. And maybe letting Light's full form out the whole night, he won't like it. I'll just give each a blessing." He said, awwww he's really concerned for me.

"Thank you Ivan. Thank you very much." Light said, now his voice was perfectly human instead of a hum.

"Okay good night" I held his hand one last time, then I went down to my room.

"Hey, Ivan's sure very sweet huh? Kat?" trinity asked me.

"Well, duh yes he is....he's very charming!" I whispered excitedly.

 "Agreed." Trinity said. I brushed my teeth and got to sleep I put trinity on and turned off the lights. After a minute I heard Ivan chanting under his breath on all doors, for the protection of us, I bet he also made a blessing on the ship. Oh well, I just shrugged off and pushed the though out of my mind. At about twelve o' clock in the morning....I heard something. Like someone was dragging a chain, the air around me grew chilly, even though the heater was activated. Then for a fraction of a minute, the doorknob turned, like someone was opening it, good thing it was locked. But the thing was, why can't they just slip down from the slit of the door? uh, no don't want to give suggestions for them.

The doorknob jiggled, now I was really scared. Then someone was banging the door. BLAM! It went, then it was gone for a while then BLAM! They were bashing through the door, they wanted to get through.A chill went up my spine. If they opened the door with force, I'm dead. Trinity help me I thought. Then  something terrible happened. The door opened.

A wind burst inside my room. I stayed in my bed, petrified. The air was cold like it was filled of cruelty. I heard someone laughed, Then I heard Sofia's voice. For second thought, It was really her. I saw her and the eidolon...I will freak out now, I told my self but no, I must remain in control. Let me tell you what an eidolon looks like- he's like-imagine a guy bathed in flour, that has horns, and glowing,muderous,lusty (ew),yellow eyes. And he's always transparent of course.

"Get away from her you fiend!" she shouted while holding a- was that a dagger? that I saw?

"Too Bad, angel she's too beautiful let me just touch-" The eidolon said, with a hissing voice. Unexpectedly, Sofia strike as fast as a cobra- the demon stood perfectly still in mid-speech,then he crumbled to golden dust.

"I hate those guys", Sofia said angrily,"I'll be telling this to Ivan, go back to sleep Kat." And with that, I scurried to the closet, got my stuff dog and immediately went back to sleep. [Stop calling me a BABY!]

"I'll be going, you take care" She said then dissipated. I sighed, got up and got myself a glass of chocolate milk and chocolates from the fridge in the kitchen. 

"This is gonna be a long night." I helped myself on the chocolates I got, which tates a bit of hazelnuts and nutella. I looked at the wraper, I was eating a Ferroro, I drank the chocolate milk and didn't even bother to throw the trash, Jarvis would do it. My eyes felt heavy, I locked the door and went to sleep. This event, is enough for my night.

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