VIII.I'm the admiral-once again (sigh)

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I slept with uneasiness yeah yeah, until the curtains fluttered open, I woke up ,got light [Oh shoot little guy! I forgot about you!] willed him to turn into the sword of the Holy Spirit, and walked towards the open sliding glass door.

"Come on man what's the big Idea? It's twelve in the morning." My sword gave a dull hum as he spoke. imagine the hum as something like angels singing inside a metal cage. Yes that's how he speaks.

"I know I know but look at the door silly." I whispered irritated. 

"Oh", he said. Yes my sword or pendant can also see,"We're being robbed?"

"Hi Ivan" a voice said, his voice was so much familiar. Good thing Kristine was fast and deeply asleep.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" I shouted, Kristine woke up.

"Wait who what?!" She shouted.

"Easy guys easy it's just me Horus, found a host." Then he stepped out of the shadows. It was Daniel.

"Horus? Really? Can't you find another host? Which is way more better?"

"Well, no sis. I'm not choosy as you are."

And amulet glinted on Amores's chest (his name is Daniel Amores). But it was different, it was an eye.

"The eye of Horus?" I asked. The two eyed me like I was some sort of madman or something like that.

"What? I read books too you know?" I complained, lifting my hands as a sign of irritation. Kristine mouthed oh. A fraction of a second later we heard Hannah's voice echoing "ANUBIS?!" another bad news? GREAT! I slammed the door open. I rushed to Hannah's room which was in front of us and slammed her door open too. 

"What;'s happening in-!" I shouted, poised to strike with my sword.

"Sigh." Light hummed, like he was irritated. 

"Schneider? You're Anubis?" I asked pointing my hand.

"Yeah? Any problem?" He asked with his tiny, cute voice.

"Boys don't really have style." Kristine crossed her arms, and said with an irritated tone.

"Hey!" Anubis and Horus shouted in unison.

"Where's the sign that you're really Anubis?" I asked then Schneider lifted up his sleeve,a tattoo  of    a jackal was there. No not like a real jackal head it was Anubis's real head.

"Okay so what happened to Hannah?" I asked him, Hannah looked stunned, unable to speak. I walked to her and snapped my fingers. The others of my team now woke up, and started sprinting for Hannah's room. I just don't get it, they did not even woke up when Horus and Anubis went in.

"What's the problem?!" Everybody said, weapons ready.

"Um hi?" Horus said

"AMORES!" Kyle and Lego said.

"HORUS?!" The rest shouted in unison, Ares walked in.

"Ah, Horus and Anubis. Welcome to our team", Ares beamed,"This is going bad." 

"Okay, team, pack up we're flying right now!" Ares clapped his hands.

"Oh boy, here we go again." Light hummed. Then we started packing after that "little accident".  AN hour or two passed, all of us headed towards the garage, loaded our luggages, started our cars then made a made a run for Hangar E-10 the most largest and also the only hidden hangar in Fairchild AFB, housed the Argo III. 

As we stopped by the Hangar spot which is hidden by trees. Our cars descended, and ahead of us, was the carrier.Long as two aircraft carriers where joined end to end, and wide as two carriers are next to each other, Powered by four powerful turbines capable of delivering lift up to fifty thousand feet high which are retractable when going to seacraft mode or aircraft mode. Three Pratt and Whitney F119 afterburners at the size of, stacked three buses by it's back capable of super-cruise and 1,498 mph three times the speed, houses 9 F-35 lightning II-s 9 AH-64 D Longbow Apaches, 1 reconnaissance aircrafts, and to make things shorter the ship is a dreadnought, destroyer, nuclear submarine, house, a luxury cruise,cargo plane,bomber  plane,gunship and carrier in one. And imagine alll of the most powerful and deadliest aircrafts, ships, submarines you know, that's how strong this baby is, and it has soundproof walls, optical camouflage (I'm not sure yet), made from imperial gold and celestial gold mixed, painted with radar proof paint (Yes reader, there is a paint like that).[Good work michail!]

"Okay guys, come on, come on, on to the carrier, slowly." Michail said, while we head in for the carrier's garage. Ares was in the garage waiting for us, (that was fast). We stopped our cars and Michail went in, closed the doors which resebled a baydoor. We got out and Ares started asking.

"Did you equiped this with an optical camouflage now?" 

"It's already did since I made this." Michail said then, we went up towards the control room by an elevator. Can't you belive that this ship has 6 floors? plus the deck yes, that's our ship. Big Bad meanie we call it. The six floors are, one, garage and bomb bay doors, torpedo hatches (they're separated.), two, engine room (don't worry like what I said, the ships, metal is superstrong, and it's air conditioned.), three, ammo supply which is magic (it refills when empty), four, our rooms and kitchen, two housing for the jets, plane, helicopters,greek fire armed ballistaes, railgun,50 cal cannons with celestial bronze bullets, and GAU-2B/A (M134) turrets. It also has a J.A.R.V.I.S (really sorry for the name) system.

As we're on the control room michail showed me how to activate the optical camo. It was just by saying the word "Camouflage activate" amazing. 

"Okay guys let's get this baby aloft!" I shouted. Alarms blared, the hangar doors opened fully. The turbines did it's work, a half a minuet later, we were hovering by the ground, ascending to the sky. until where just a spot. All of my team scampered to their quarters while Kat remained with me. I hadn't even noticed.

"Next stop, Egypt" I said then I fired the Thrusters.

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