Chapter 5: Indigo

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I hear the metal door rattle and creak open and a large man walks in, I look up at him with hope that he is here to save me from the nasty, masked man that took me away from our cabin last night, or at least I think it was last night. I've been in this cellar with no food for ages, I'm hungry, I'm tired and I want my papà.

"Hello mister, can you please help me, I just want to go home-" but the man cuts me off by grabbing me and pushing me down, why is he hurting me? I used my manners just like how mamà and papà taught me too. I look up at him and he towers over me, a tear runs down my cheek when I see that my favorite pajamas are ripped.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay quiet, yes?" Oooo I know this game, my brothers play it with me all the time, I nod and zip my lips up. He glares at me and pulls me up by my arm. That hurts.

I squirm in his hold and scream when he rips of my pajamas. What is he doing? Does he want to give me a bath? I love baths especially when they have bubbles in them!

He throws me on the ground and I hear the sound of metal clinking together, I look up and see him undoing his belt.

I curl myself in a ball and cover my head with my hands, I'm not wearing any clothes now.

He gets on his knees in front of me and strokes my face before leaning on his arms and uncurling my hands, he then pins them above my head.

I don't like this.

I really don't like this.

"Can you stop" I whisper to him, not wanting to be rude but also knowing that what he's doing is not right.

"per favore fermati" I say agin in Italian, maybe he doesn't know English, but he did speak to me earlier?
(Can you please stop)

"per favore"I say one last time before something between my legs hurts so much that I let out a yelp of pain.

"STOP" I shout desperate for the pain to go away

"GET OFF ME!" what is he doing? Why won't he stop?

"Indigo" someone says in the distance

"HELP ME!" I reply

"Indi!" The voice says more urgently


I jolt awake and see Elliot next to my bed, panic on his face. Im shaking and crying, I can't stop remembering my nightmare, I can't stop remembering the first time he raped me.

"Indigo?" Elliot asks softly

I nod my head, I can't talk, I can't breath, I can't see properly all I can do is feel. I can feel the pain that he caused me,I can feel the way he touched me, I can feel how fucking scared 5 year old me was.

"Can I hug you?" I look back at Elliot.

He's your brother indigo he's not him he won't hurt you, he only wants to make you feel safe again, I say to myself in my head.

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