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Aces pov

"this tastes like shit man" Noah complains at the lunch table and drops the pizza on the tray. He's just joined as a freshman and Chase and I are seniors so he's sitting with us and our friends.

"Welcome to high school buddy" one of the boys says and Noah huffs and drinks his water.

I look over to my right and see chase with a clenched jaw and hands that are balling up into fists. I furrow my brows and watch as he reaches for the gun in the waistband of his sweats. I grab his hand and he looks to me with his practically black eyes and scowls.

"Knock it off Chase, what's up with you?" I ask and he signals to the corner of the cafeteria, my blood boils when I see a couple of boys cornering my little sister who's a sophomore. She's the youngest in her class and only just over 3 years younger than me but she'll always be my baby sister.

I get up and so does chase, I look over to Vinny and Eli who are looking at clover as well, they look to me and I nod my head at them. They both get up and walk over to us.

Apart from my mum and clover everyone in my family is tall. Im the same height as my dad at 6,4 and Eli and Vinny are both 6,3. It's always pissed me of that chase is a fucking mountain at 6,5 but he's always been slightly taller than me.

We walk up to the idiots harassing my sister and I grab the back of one of their collars. The 15 year old shakes in fear and his eyes grow wide as a silence falls over the hall.

"The fuck you think you're doing?" I spit out and he shakes his head and squirms.

"N-nothing Ace" he stutters and I watch as Vinny stands in front of Clover and she grabs his hand.

"Doesn't fucking look like nothing" I seethe and his friend tries to get away but chase grabs his arm and smirks when the boy visibly shakes.

"The fun's just starting mate, don't leave yet" he says in a deadly calm tone and the boy nods and stands still.

"Y-you're crushing my arm" he says to chase who still has a firm grip on his arm but doesn't release it even a bit.

"Am I? Oh well, you'll live" he says and I swear I see him grip on to the little shits arm harder.

"What did they say to you clover?" I ask my little sister and her 5ft 3 self peeks out from behind my younger brother.

"Nothing I can't handle being told" she smiles and dusts off her flower pattern sundress while adjusting her white sunglasses on her head and sticking her thumb up to signal she's ok.

"Don't fucking say that shit lucky, what did this fucker tell you" chase growls out and my sister gulps and twiddles her thumbs.

"Just the textbook stuff y'know" she says and chase lets out a frustrated groan.

"No clover I don't fucking know, care to enlighten me?" She huffs and walks up to him stomping slightly before grabbing his arm, which her hand can't even wrap around and yanking it off the kids shoulder, who's now crying in pain.

"Stop swearing before I get a bar of soap and shove it in your mouth" she says and looks to me and crosses her arms.

"Drop" she says and I glare at her. What am I..a fucking dog-

I put him down and both boys run off together, I look over to my brother Eli and see him with his mouth open watching tick tok.

"What?" He says and I roll my eyes and walk to clover before wrapping her in a hug. She mumbles something into my chest but I don't here.

"Can't hear you baby sis" I say and she pulls away from me and pokes chase In the chest he looks down to her unamused and bored.

"You Stop using your size to intimidate people and you" she points to me and glares " if I ever catch you in school with a gun again I'll make sure both sides of your pillow are warm" she says it quietly so no one else can hear.

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