Chapter 29: greyson

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We got back to the knightly's yesterday and indigos in the medical room, I'm upstairs on my phone sorting through some emails when Sofia knocks on the door and enters the room.

"Hey sweetheart, indigo wants you" I get up and head down to the medical room, nobody else is with her so I just go in. She's laying in the bed in my hoodie with duvet pulled all the way to her chin and her hood up.

"Hey blue"

She smiles at me and pats the spot next her so I sit down there and look at her.

"What did the doctors say?"

"I've got abdominal bruising, bullet wound on my arm but that's been stitched up and cuts and bruises but they've also been dealt with, could've been worse" she jokes and laughs a bit, I frown at her.

"Indigo this isn't funny" I tell her and she chews anxiously on her bottom lip. She draws the stings on the hoodie and her face disappears under the mass of fabric.

"You can't hide from me blue, I'm literally sat right here" I open the hoodie back up and she smiles at me but I can tell she's uncomfortable by the way she starts fiddling with the rings on my hand.

"What else did they say, take your time" I say and she looks at me with big eyes.

"Not much, just the stuff about what he saw grey don't make me say it" she mumbles and a tear runs down her cheek. I wipe it off and nod at her.

"I know indi, I'm so Fucking sorry" there's nothing else I can say or do, she's going to struggle with what happened and I can only try and be there for her.

She sits up and I get in the bed next to her, I pull up her hoodie slightly and see the bruises that litter her stomach. I clench my jaw and take a deep breath. How. Fucking. Dare. He.

"Grey, calm down, it's fine" she says but it's not, it's really fucking not.

"No indigo, it's not just fine, it's fucking disgusting that someone would do this to you, it's not fair, you don't deserve the way he touched you, nobody deserves to be touched like that ever, it's not acceptable or normal. So stop acting like you don't care because I'm not Fucking stupid, I can tell how much it hurts you. Let me in blue, I only want to help" I'm so angry and I'm so devastated for her. She looks at me and frowns.

"You think I don't know that Greyson, I hate that he touched me like he did, it's dirty and disgusting and gross, and it hurts, it hurts so so much but it happened and I have to get over it" she replies and another tear falls down her face followed by another and another until her eyes are streaming and she's sobbing and shaking.

I pull her into my arms and she grips my hoodie in her hands.

"You can't overcome it if you don't let yourself process it blue" she puts her face in my neck and wraps her arms around my waist, I stroke the back of her head and she sighs while sniffling.

"I'm trying" she mutters as I lay down with her, she rests her head on my chest and begins to calm down a bit.

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry blue?"

"Because you have to marry me and im like this" she fiddles with my ring on her necklace and wipes her eyes.

"Indigo you're fucking perfect and anyone who tells you any different, tell me and I'll sort them out" she nods on my chest and after a while her breathing becomes even, she's asleep. So for the first time since she's been gone I do the same.


My alarm goes off and I quickly grab my phone and silence it, indigos still peacefully sleeping on top of me as I slide out from underneath her and go into the bathroom. I use the spare toothbrush and brush my teeth then I place a quick kiss on her forehead and leave. I've got a meeting so I head upstairs and change into an Armani suit. I fucking hate suits.

I walk down stairs with my tie in my hand and give it to my mum who's making coffee, pretty much everyone is staying here at the minute. My mum smiles at me and does my tie while rattling off to me about her day yesterday.

I nod my head along with it and my eyes widen when she tells me she stabbed a woman In the hand for touching my dad on the shoulder. My mum scares me sometimes.

"Alright I'm off, see you in an hour or so" I tell her and leave the house. I drive to the office and pull up quickly, checking my watch I see that I'm a few minutes early so I go in  and head up to my office to prepare.

The meeting goes well and just as they leave my phone rings, I reach into my pocket and grab it, the screen says sof. Why is indi's mum calling me?

"Hey Sofia, what's up" I ask and she replies is a rushed tone.

"I don't want to disturb you sweetheart but indigo woke up screaming, I heard so I went down to check on her but she's locked herself in the bathroom and I can hear her crying, she won't respond and all the boys are with Franco and your mums shopping, are you able to come here?" She asks and I'm already out the office and in my car, pulling out and driving back.

"I'm on my way sof, I'll be 10 minutes" I tell her and she thanks me and hangs up.

It takes me 6 minutes.

I get out the car and run into the house while taking of my jacket and throwing it over the couch. I rush down to the medical rooms and and go into indigos. Her mums stood outside the door with tears in her eyes as she helplessly listens to her daughters cries.

I give her a hug and grab out my gun, I shoot the lock off the door and rush in.



Uh oh.

Thankyou so much for 200k love y'all.

Happy reading!

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