Chapter 23: indigo

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It's been a few days since the sleepover at my parents and everyone's been really weird around me, why? I have no idea.

My period finished this morning so I'm in a much better mood, the mission is tomorrow so I'm currently packing as we're staying at a hotel tonight. The plan is to go to Franco's location and ambush, he won't be expecting it. We have very little intel though on how many men he has and his position with other mafias, if he's involved with another gang, we might run into some trouble.

I chuck a bag at greys head because he's still sleeping and he needs to pack, we're not really acting on anything that we said a few nights ago we're just normal, I thought it would be weird after our conversation but it's not. I want to see how this goes.

He groans and turns over, his messy bed head looks adorable and hot at the same time and he sits up resting himself on his elbows. He looks around confused and then his eyes land on me and he scowls.

"Why'd you wake me up?" He asks, holy shit his morning voice.

"You need to pack grumpy" I tell him

"Look who's talking" he utters and gets out of bed, his sweatpants have slid down a bit in the night so I can see his defined v-line and his abs. On the bright side at least I'm not marrying a 50 year old pot bellied pervert who smacks my ass every time I turn around.

He goes into the bathroom, while I grab a few of his clothes out his draws, we're back at his house now but we're leaving for mine in 10 minutes.

"Hurry up!" I shout to him

"Sorry let me just ask my dick to piss faster" I roll my eyes at him and quickly finish packing my stuff while he brushes his teeth. He rinses and I take the toothbrush out his hand, wash it off and put it in my wash bag so he doesn't forget it, I tell him to lift up his arms and I spray deodorant under them and pack that as well.

"Jesus would you like to dress me too" he says sarcastically as I walk out the bathroom and chuck all the stuff in his bag.

"per l'amor di dio andiamo e basta" (for the love of god, let's just go already) he looks at me and sticks his middle finger up.

"I don't know what you just said but I'm convinced it was bitchy" he says nodding his head and jogging over to the bed to grab stuffy who I had forgotten about. He puts him in the bag and we turn around to roger.

He looks at us and turns his head.

"Ok baby, mummy and daddy are leaving for a couple days, granny and grandpa will take care of you" i coo at him and stroke his head giving it a kiss. I turn around and grey is looking at me weirdly.


"You talk to him like he can understand you" he tells me and roger gives him the side eye.

"He can" grey holds up his hands and walks over to roger and pats his side.

"See ya rog"

Roger lays down and groans, I wave at him and we leave the room walking down the stairs quietly as it's only 5:45 am.

"Where do you think you're going without saying goodbye to me" Alessias voice rings out, she's sat at the island with a coffee in her silk nightgown. If I have one wish it's to look like her in my 40's.

"Sorry mum" grey says and walks towards her to give her a kiss on the cheek, she hugs him and grabs his face.

"If you get hurt again, I will pull the plug on your life support, I didn't push you out of me so you could get yourself killed, love you lots" she says and let's go of him.

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