Chapter 35: indigo

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I walk into the office building and my heels click on the marble floor obnoxiously, I walk up to the desk and give the brunette receptionist a fake smile. She glares at me and continues to type on her stupid fucking laptop. I just used my mouth muscles for nothing, my head is pounding from last night and this bitch can't even be bothered to ask me what I need.

I clear my throat and she rolls her eyes at me, looking up and doing a double take when she sees my gun pointing at her head.

"Look Michelle" I say, reading her name off the white tag she has on her shirt "I'm having a really shitty day" I continue propping my sunglasses up and squinting at the light that burns my eyes.

"So if you could take your shit brown eyes off the screen for two seconds it would be highly appreciated" the girl nods her head frantically and I smile.

"Im here too see sienna volkov" I tell her and she picks up the phone, dialing a number and flinching slightly when a sharp voice that even I can hear cuts through the speaker.

"There's a lady here to see you ma'am" Michelle informs my dearest friend and she nods at me to go up. I head over to the elevator and press the top floor where siennas office is. The doors open and I walk into her glass office.

"Your elevator music is shit" I tell her and she turns in her black chair from her position looking out the window.

"Why the fuck are you here?" She asks her strong Russian accent present in her malice tone.

"Why to see you of course my love"I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"я думаю, я скучал по тебе" (I guess I missed you" she says in her native tongue and I walk up and sit on her lap, hugging her tightly as she grumbles in protest. I love pissing her off.

"не могу сказать, что скучал по тебе" (can't say I missed you) I reply and she elbows my gut, I hop off her lap and walk over to the window.

"What brings you here indigo?" She signs a piece of paper and looks to me.

"You're father" i inform her and she groans at my confession.

"What did that сволочь do now" (bastard) she sneers and sits up straighter in her seat.

"He sent people to my fiancées house and held his younger brother at gunpoint" I explain the situation we had a couple months back and sienna smirks.

"Fiancée, did you and Greyson finally address the sexual tension that followed you around?" She says and I roll my eyes at her. Every fucking time.

"No it's forced but we're making it work"I reply and smile at the thought of him, then frown because he won't tell me what happened last night and it's pissing me off.

"So why are you telling me about my father? You know we don't have contact anymore" sienna and her dad Vladimir, who's leader of the Russian mafia, stopped talking five years ago when he found out sienna lost her v card to my brother she's one year older than me and her and Elliot met at the mafia ball, they got drunk and fucked, they were 14.

My parents were pissed, not because he fucked our biggest enemies daughter but because they were both so young at said time of Fuck.

"I need you're help" she smiles and motions for me to go on.

"We need to set a trap so you're father will come to our ware house and we can get him, that's were you come in, we use you as bait, call him, say Elliot's taken you or some shit like that, he'll want to be a hero so he'll come save you and then mission accomplished" I tell her and a thoughtful look crosses her face.

"Wait indi...does this mean you're going to kill him" oh yeah, forgot about that one tiny factor.

"Yeah" best to break it to her straight.

Unlike Enzo


"Fuck yeah I'm in hunny bunny, do you know how long I've been waiting for the old fuck to finally kick the bucket, I get the mafia when he dies. Money, power, killing people, money. This is fantastic!" Well that was easy.

"Fucking psycho" I mumble and she chuckles.

"Me? I'm the psycho? I heard all about your little self, killing 12 men with just a dagger" she says and I smirk, my kids are gonna have such a hot fucking mom.

"Ok well there's a meeting happening in 1 week, I'll message the address люблю тебя" (love you)  in inform her and walk back to the elevator.

"и я тебя люблю" (love you too) she replies and we flip each other off as the doors close.


I've been at the kings for 4 and a half months now, we move back to mine in 6 weeks. It's more peaceful here I'll miss it and I'll miss pepper speaking of pepper I head outside to the large open enclosure and feed her.

She eats the meat and gives me a cuddle before walking back off into the trees. Independent little thing she is.

I go back inside and nearly shit myself when roger appears in front of me and yawns. He's grown and he's overweight but he's my baby. I lean down and rub his ears. He follows me up the stairs and goes into Ollie's room.

Grey is sat on the bed and talking into the phone, I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, he pushes it off. Rude bitch.

I walk into the closet and change into some pajama shirts and a crop top while grey continues his conversation.

"That's not what I fucking said asshole" he sneers into the phone and rolls his eyes at the person on the receiving end of his tantrum.

"Just sort it out before I kill you" he finishes and hangs up.

"What was that all about?" I ask and grey walks into the bathroom ignoring me.

"Greyson" I say and he still has his back to me while he gets changed out of his suit. I grab my dagger and throw it so it hits the wall right next to his head. He turns around and lifts his arms.

"What do you fucking want indigo!" Jesus Christ all I did was throw a dagger.

"Calm down buddy, why are you ignoring me?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I'm not I'm just stressed" he says and pulls his sweats up his legs.

"Ok well you don't have to take it out on me" I say and walk up to him while he puts his hoodie on. I remove my knife from the wall and he looks away from me. Weird.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask him and he shakes his head and gives a really fake fucking smile.

"Nothing, I'm going downstairs" he tells me but I grab his hand and turn him around. He looks at me and shrugs.


"Greyson what wrong?" He shakes his head yet again and turns around to walk out the bathroom for the second time.

When I pull him back he doesn't turn, instead he just walks and drags me out the bathroom with him.

"Grey stop, why are you being like this?" I ask and pull at his arm. He yanks it from my grasp and goes to head out the door.

"Leave it alone indigo, if I wanted to talk to you I would but I don't so just go to sleep" why the fuck is he ordering me around?

I roll my eyes at him and get into bed, I hear the guys that are staying, greet him and they all head to the living room. Why's he being such an ass?


This chapters shit but I wanted y'all's opinion, in the next chapter I was thinking that grey could get a little emotional because it's not wrong for guys to be upset. But if none of you guys want that I won't do it.

Love y'all

Happy reading!

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