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Greys pov

I roll over and shield my eyes from the sun as a small knock on our bedroom door wakes me up. I stretch out and swing my legs out of bed, walking over to the door I try and wake up a bit to prepare for whatever one of my three sons is going to do this morning that will piss me or their heavily pregnant mum off.

When I open the door I have to look right down to see a very small and energetic looking Ace. All I can see is a head of brown floppy hair. He lifts his head up and His gappy smile makes me grin.

He's 3 now and the twins are nearly 2. It feels like yesterday he was born and we're already about to have our last baby. A little girl, fucking finally.

He bounces around and leaps onto my leg, he clings onto my sweatpants and looks up at me giggling. I press my fingers to my lips and point to indigo who only got about half an hour of sleep last night and is finally resting.

Her pregnancy with Ace was worse than with the twins but she's always struggled with it. She's small and carrying a baby for 9 months makes her very understandingly tired and in consequence grumpy as well. 

Ace nods and gets off my leg, I scoop him up in my arms and walk into the bathroom where I grab my razor after putting him on the counter. To be honest and arrogant I still look pretty much the same as I did when I was 19 4 years ago. I smile at Ace and he stands up in his button up pajamas and mimics my movements with his hands.

I finish up and dry my face off then walk into the bedroom as Ace follows behind me. When I get back into bed Ace quite literally jumps onto the mattress of our California king somehow and lands right on my chest. I groan loudly and we both freeze and look over to Indi who turns over and sighs. We let out a breath of relief and he lays his head on my chest and shuts his eyes.

I brush the hair out his face and admire his rosy cheeks and little nose.

"I love you little man" I tell him and he wraps his small arms around my shoulders and nods.

"Me too daddy" he mumbles and is he tired already? It's only 8am. Mini indigo over here, Jesus Christ.

Even though I need to get up and work I lay still as he falls back asleep on me and find myself joining him.


"Greyson" a sharp poke wakes me up and I look to my left and see my wife glaring at me. Shit what did I do. I look over to the clock and see that it's 8:45 and Ace has moved from my chest to the crook of my arm.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask her and her face scrunches up in discomfort as she tries to get up. I get the message and gently take my arm out from under Aces head and get up. I go to her side of the bed and kiss her cheek.

She swats my face away and I sigh. Great , she's in one of these moods.

"Can you piss off and help me get up you cow, you do this shit to me and you don't even help me go for a wee you bitch" I smirk and pick her up from under her arms and set her straight.

"It's me and my magic d-" she sends me the most deadly glare I've ever seen and I shut my mouth.

"Finish that sentence, I fucking dare you" I hold my hands up and she waddles off to the bathroom in just one of my oversized t-shirts. The sight of this woman pregnant with our baby will never not turn me the fuck on and make me love her more than I already do, which is a whole fucking lot.

Ace grumbles and sits up whilst rubbing his eyes, I sit on the bed next to him and he climbs on my back and onto my shoulders as I look through my phone.

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