Chapter 16: Greyson

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Indigo is dead asleep on top of me and it's 8am, she's holding my pointer finger like she usually does and her face is buried in my neck. I don't know who touched her or what happened but i praying that it's nothing too bad.

What if this guy assaulted her?
What if he raped her?

All because I wasn't fucking there

"Grey,I can feel your heart going 100mph, calm down" indigo mutters from her position on my chest. I take a deep breath and kiss her head. We lay like that for a bit before she gets up declaring she's needs to pee and shutting the bathroom door. I get up and head to Oakley's room for some clothes, he's 6ft 2 and I'm 6ft 4 but it'll have to do because I'm not putting that suit back on, it's itchy.

I open his door and creep in the bedroom, he's sprawled across his bed in only sweatpants and he's upside down, his head is hanging of the side of his mattress and he's talking. Yep, I said talking, I had to discover the hard way that Oakley sleep talked when I came over for a sleepover, I must have been around 9. I woke up in the middle of the night to him babbling on about politics and human rights- joking this is Oakley we're talking about- he was actually having a conversation with Barry, his old goldfish, and asking the fish to rate the cave he had put in the fish tank out of ten and to put a review on trip advisor. I don't think anything further needs to be said....

"I'm just- this is really confuzzling me Nemo" what the actual fuck?

"I still don't get why you had to swim away you silly gooses eat Nemo's?" Jesus Christ, and too think he's one of my best friends.

I leave him too it and go over to his walk in wardrobe, I grab a pair of sweats and a hoodie and head back out. When I get back to indigos room she's sat on the bed staring into space, her hair is damp so she's probably had a shower and she's back in my hoodie, which absolutely swamps her and a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. I slip on the clothes which are a bit tight fitting and walk over to her bed and sit down next to her. She turns to me and grabs my hand.

"Sorry, I know it was stupid last night" why the fuck is she apologizing? She's got nothing to be sorry for.

"Never apologize for something you can't control indigo, whatever happened it wasn't your fault so don't even think about fucking blaming yourself" I say to her and squeeze her hand. She looks up at me and smiles softly, she gets up still holding my hand and drags me out the door. We head downstairs with her in front of me but as soon as she hears noise in the kitchen and the voices of her family she slips behind me and holds onto my arm tightly whilst still gripping my hand.

I remember once when I was around 15 indigo had a really bad nightmare while I was sleeping over, her dad went into her room and when they came out indigo didn't let go of him for 7 hours. I asked why she was being so touchy, because over the years I've come to learn that unless she's had a panic attack or nightmare, Indigo doesn't like people and she is definitely not affectionate.

Her mum explained that when indigo goes through something like a traumatic nightmare, she clings to the person that helps her through it because she associates them with safety, I'm guessing that's what she's doing to me now. I feel a sense of pride that she finds me safe.

"It's alright sweetheart, they're just you're family" I reassure her as we walk into the kitchen.

"Morning you two! I didn't realize you had stayed the night, what a lovely surprise" Sofia exclaims and walks over to hug us. Indigos breathing quickens and she's holding my arm so tightly I think the circulation may have stopped. I take a step back and she moves with me peering under my arm at her mum.

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