Chapter 22: Greyson

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I'm woken up by a sneeze, I look over my shoulder and see soph awake and crying. She's squashed between Oakley and I and the tip of her nose is red as fuck.

"Hakuna matata, it's a jungle, rumble in the jungle" Oakley mumbles in his sleep. Only then do I realize he's spooning me and that's why soph is so crammed in between us. Indigo shifts in her sleep and smacks me in the face. What a fantastic morning this is turning out to be.

"Bear?" Sophs tearful voice whispers, I turn on my back and look at her sideways.

"Hey princess, what's up?" She lets a tear fall down her cheek and hugs my neck.

"I-I feel sick" she stutters and sneezes again. I slowly get up careful not to wake the others and move across the mattress to the floor with Sophie in my arms.

My nose is a little blocked to and so I sniff one time.

"Get a fucking tissue before I suffocate you with stuffy" indigo mutters. That Fucking stuffed animal, it's gross, I avoid contact with it at all costs, don't wanna catch some disease. God knows where that things been.

I turn around and stick my tongue out at her.

"Wouldn't do that to me if you want to keep your tongue" the woman's got eyes everywhere even when her eyes are closed. She's all seeing, seriously the other day I walked into the bedroom at 1am from a meeting, I couldn't see shit it was so dark. I was so fucking tired so I just took off my suit and left my boxers on and she goes 'don't you dare leave those clothes on the floor Greyson' first of all when the hell did she wake up and how did she even see me and second of all who does she think she is bossing me around, i don't take orders from her.

So I picked up my clothes and chucked them in the hamper then went to bed, only because I wanted to.

I head into the kitchen with soph and set her on the counter while I find her some nasal spray and tablets. It takes Fucking ages but I eventually find the medicine in a cabinet above one of the ovens. I grab out the stuff and walk over to her.

"Ok soph, this'll make you feel better" I reassure her and she starts to tear up again, I hold her tiny hand and take out a tablet.

"You know soph? Only big girls take tablets" I say to her and she looks up at me her eyes wide.

"Really?" She sniffles and rubs her eyes, I wipe the tear off her cheek and nod my head.

"Only big,brave girls" I repeat "are you a big,brave girl soph? Or should I put them away?" I ask and turn to walk away when she calls out to me.

"No! I'm a big girl I can take the tablets and have the nasal spray" she tells me.

"Atta girl" I praise her and she smiles at me, I give her the medicine and she stays on the counter.

"Do you want something to eat sweetheart?" I question and she nods.


She nods again so I put a couple of pieces in the toaster and walk over to get my phone off of charge.

I look through my phone while soph traces my tattoos, when the toast pops up I ask her what she wants on it and she says butter, so I do that for her and cut it in half.

She thanks me and gets to eating.

While she's doing that I clear up and I hear voices in the living room where we all slept last night.

"What's the time?" Matt groggily asks and Elliot groans

"To Fucking early to be awake" he complains

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