Chapter 39: indigo

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Greys kissing me.

Holy fuck grey is kissing me. I'm not shocked that he's given into the temptation but I am shocked that he's decided to make a move. I kiss him back and thread my hand in his hair. His hand moves to my rib cage and he pulls away, I gasp for breath as he moves to my neck and starts kissing up to my jaw. I put my head back and sigh at the feeling.

He brings his lips back up to mine and I wrap my legs around his waist, and I get lost in him. His lips, his groans, his hands tracing my body. He pulls back and looks in my eyes.

"Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you are" he says and presses another short soft kiss to my lips. I blush at him and jump off the counter. I do a double take when I look at his tatted chest and see blood dripping down it.

"Do you have any idea how much your Fucking bleeding" i tell him and quickly grab a cotton pad, I wipe the blood off and apply a bandage to the bullet graze where the blood was coming from.

"I like you indigo, I like you a lot, I've liked you since I met you when we were 12" he says out of nowhere and I look up at him.

"I'll give your ego a boost by saying that I wasn't not attracted to you when we met honey bunch" I tell him and walk out the bathroom, I hear him follow after me and I turn around. He steps forward and engulfs me in his arms.

I tuck my head into his chest and hug him back, this is the kind of hug that makes you forget your problems and you're worries, he's just here, with me. We stay like that for a few moments and when I pull back he walks over to his draws and grabs a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants out. He puts them on and turns to me again.

"What are we?"

"Engaged" I answer and he rolls his eyes.

"What are we indigo?" He repeats the question and i purse my lips.

"If we weren't engaged we'd be in a let's see where this goes situation but we are so we're just engaged, I'm thinking a summer wedding with-" I begin sarcastically before I'm interrupted.

"INDI, SOMEONES HERE TO SEE YOU!" Charles shouts up the stairs and i remember what Emilio said about stopping by. I walk out the room and past grey who's mumbling about not wanting to talk to Emilio. I go down the stairs and see Emilio in the kitchen with Charles.

"Care to explain why Emilio Ferrari is in my kitchen" Charles asks and I nod while heading over to Emilio and hugging him.

"He's a friend" I explain and Alessia walks through from the living room.

"And who might you be" she questions and I step away from Emilio who keeps a straight face and nods at her in greeting.

"He's Emilio Ferrari mum" ollie tells her drifting toward the counter and over to me. He looks up at Emilio and frowns. Grey enters the room at the same time and when he sees Emilio he goes to turn around but I call out to him and he turns back on himself to face me again.

"Hmm my brother doesn't like you so neither do I" ollie decides and goes up to his older brother who fist bumps him and passes him a chocolate. Ollie grins and trots off to the game room.

"Why are you here again?" grey asks and Emilio tenses. I pat his chest and head over to grey who's doing something with the blender. When I get to him he turns around and smiles at me childishly. I glare at him and pat his shoulder. I fucking hate that he's taller than me.

He bends down and I go on my tiptoes.

"Be nice or I'll teach pepper to eat annoying brats called Greyson king" I threaten and he nods and turns back around muttering an understood and busying himself. I smile to myself and Emilio clears his throat. I look over to him as he begins to speak.

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