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Wes stood silent for a moment, averting his gaze away from Paris. "I just met you."

"I know, but I'm not the only one here interested in you." Paris explained, "You're very pretty, Wes."

The statement left Wes with another blush now resting on his face.

"I'm going to have competition," Paris signed, "Don't forget me." He said, dramatically.

Wes giggled at the action. "I'm going to forget the room my classes are in cause you don't want to show me where they are."

"Ouch man, ouch. I'm trying here, but your cuteness keeps distracting me!" Paris declared, "It's not fair."

As the pair walked the hall, Paris now showing Wesley his classes. "I think the easier way to remember how to get here is that it's next to the main office."

The rest of the tour went so peacefully and Wesley felt a little bit more comfortable with someone like Paris showing him around.

He felt like he was able to breathe and not hold his breath at every given moment, because if he let it go, he would break.

"I think that's it, yeah, that's it," Paris said, double-checking the schedule in his hands. "So I have to ask, are you planning on joining any of the clubs?"

Wes shrugged. "I haven't considered it, since I don't have a hobby."

"Join the art class." Paris suggested, "It's the one I'm in with a couple of friends and I'd think you'd really enjoy it." He explained, a smile growing on his face.

It did intrigue Wes, seeing as the male wanted desperately wanted to make some friends so he didn't have to be alone, yet it also made him nervous. He didn't know if Paris' friends would even like him or what if they didn't click at all?

"Don't overthink it, cutie. You've met two of them already, Seth and Ruel. Plus, my friends aren't that bad. I mean they are fucked up like everyone else here, but once you get passed that part and get to see them as them, you'll love them!" He said, patting Wesley's head. "It's hard to separate the person from the mental illness, but once you do you'll see how great they are."

The words left an impact on Wes, who spent so much time defining himself as his mental illness that it made him Sometimes forget who he truly was.

That's the beauty of it, isn't it? Your mental illness can be so intense and leave you to forget who you truly are underneath it. Wes has felt so alone and depressed, that he believed for the longest time that's who he was, but he's not.

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