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"Ah, slow down!" Wes said, trying to catch up, stumbling a bit with the suitcase getting caught in the carpet. Seth turned his head to the side, and glanced at Wesley, before turning back. His pace didn't differ at all, making Wes realize that Seth purposely turned to let the shorter male know he heard Wes and to show the male he wasn't going to listen.

It was a bit of an eye-opener, he had to understand that everyone here was dealing with their things and trauma he'd never comprehend. Wes had caught up to Seth, but did trail behind him, as walking beside him made his anxiety start to build.

Seth walked the other not far behind, taking turns quickly and leading Wes out of the faculty, into a separate building, that was fairly far.

The male opened the door, walking in, the door almost closing in front of Wes who quickly caught the door, but it made him stumble and fall into the door. He went through the door and ended up falling into the navy blue carpet.

As Wes was picking himself up, he saw shoes stop in front of him, making him glance up to see who was now witnessing the male being clumsy again.

He was met with dark blue almost gray eyes, that held a look of annoyance as if Wes falling was such an inconvenience for him. Wes quickly stood up, grabbing his suitcase that had escaped his grip when the male fell.

"Sorry, excuse me." Wes blurted out, trying to avoid eye contact, his eyes glued to the carpet.

As the person was about to speak, Seth came around the corner, "Andrew don't fuck with him. I'm trying to do a tour."

"Shut up, he was in my fucking way. Why the fuck would I want to talk to him anyway?" 'Andrew' spoke back, making Wes look up, the male's voice was very different from his complexion.

While the male has jet black hair styled up, a couple of pieces falling out almost perfectly, he had a sharp jawline, intense cheekbones, long and thin nose. If Wes didn't know, he would be convinced that this 'Andrew' guy was a model.

Yet his voice was extremely deep and raspy, almost as if he had just woken up and if he did indeed just wake up, Wes would never leave his bed.

Seth clicked his tongue, "talk to me like that again and I'll fucking knock you out." The statement made Andrew chuckle, but Seth ignored it. "Now come on Wesley." He said, his eyes meeting the others.

"Wes," he corrected, "you can call me Wes." He added in after. Seth nodded his head, "let's keep moving before Andrew starts acting like a little bitch again."

"Fuck you, Seth." Andrew spat, shoving Wes out the way and leaving the building.

Seth bit the inside of his cheek and let out a noise of discontent, before turning the corner again, this time with Wesley following.

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