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Wesley was glad when class was over, the tension between the pair made him feel like he was suffocating and the air felt dense. He went up to the teacher's desk, grabbed the notes he needed, and left the art room as quickly as he could.

Once he was away from the other, he relaxed a bit, no longer feeling uneasy. He felt an arm go over his shoulder, making him jump at the contact and push the arm away fast. Wes turned to face Ruel, "That was a bit rude." Ruel commented a fake pout showing on his face.

"Sorry," Wesley spoke, making Ruel smile.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He replied, now wrapping his arm around Wesley's waist. It made the other stiffen uncomfortably, making it very clear that he just wasn't used to contacting, even hugs felt foreign to him.

"Paris sent me here to collect you for lunch since he's on the other side of the school," Ruel explained, not even acknowledging the fact the other tensed up under his touch. "His class got switched at the last minute." Wesley nodded, as Ruel led him down the corridor.

Wes felt Ruel's hand slipping under his shirt, now resting directly on Wesley's hipbone. He brushed his thumb up and down, it was a soft and slow action, that made Wesley's skin feel like it was on fire.

"Ruel, hands off the student, if I have to tell you again, you'll go to the office." A teacher shouted, making Ruel quickly shoot his hands up, showing the teacher he was no longer holding onto Wes.

Once the pair was out of sight of the teacher, Ruel was quick to return his hand to Wesley's waist. "Won't you get in trouble?" Wes asked.

Ruel rolled his eyes, "Don't worry about that, babe." He spoke, "I'm very good with my mouth."

"What?" Wes choked out, almost choking on his spit.

"I can talk myself out of any situation, what did you think I mean?" Ruel asked, looking at Wesley with a false innocence on his face.

Wes shook his head quickly, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks and ears, "Nothing! Why would I think something else?" He spoke quickly, trying to cover his tracks.

"Okay, whatever you say, babe," Ruel said, as the pair entered the fairly large cafeteria, the loud chatter made Wesley feel anxious once again, even though there was someone beside him, helping him, he still felt alone and scared. Many people were moving around, making Wes move a bit closer to Ruel, in fear he would lose track of the other.

Ruel removed his hand from Wesley's waist, "I'm too heavily watched here," He explained, "Grab my backpack strap, so I don't get in trouble for holding you. I'll lead you to the table."

"Okay," Wes spoke, but it was mainly to himself, to try and calm down. He reached for the strap, giving it a small tug before Ruel began walking again.

Wesley had a bit of difficulty keeping up as Ruel moved fast and dodged people quickly, but the other was deemed unsuccessful. Instead, he was a fumbling mess of apologies as he cut off many people and ended up almost tripping one.

When Ruel had stopped, Wes let out a heavy breath, he had been holding. Ruel sat down, patting the seat beside him for Wesley, but before he was able to sit down someone else spoke up. "Don't sit next to Ruel, while it may seem innocent, his mind is nothing of the sort, plus after this morning his on more watch than ever."

Wesley looked up to meet Seth's eyes, "You can sit next to me."

Oh, how Wes did not want to sit next to the male who ruined his tour. He stood there for a moment, hoping something would happen that would prevent him from having to go over there. When nothing did, he slowly dragged his feet over to Seth, sitting down beside the other.

Seth send a small smile to Wesley, once the male sat down. "I'm sorry about earlier."


"I didn't take my medicine." He explained.

Wesley nodded slowly, "It's okay."

The statement led Seth to smile again, it would be a lie to say Wes didn't admire the smile. It suited Seth's face perfectly.

"You're very pretty." Wesley quickly covered his mouth, when the words left them.

"You can call this soul eater pretty, but not me?" Paris spoke out from behind them.

A snicker was heard as a tray hit the table and Andrew was now sitting on the other side next to Ruel. "You're not pretty," Andrew commented.

"So Seth is?" Paris retorted, placing a hand on his hip, before quickly taking a seat on the other side of Wes.

Andrew rolled his eyes, "You know damn well I didn't mean that, none of you are even cute, more or less pretty."

"You once called me pretty when I was su-"

"Shut the fuck up." Andrew spat out, cutting off Ruel, who pouted at the comment but did listen to the other.

The table was soon filled with conversations, and everyone started to talk. Paris took in not that Wesley wasn't really, instead he focused on the floor.

"You can talk too, you know?" He spoke softly.

Wes nodded his head, looking up to meet Paris' eyes, "Yeah."

"Overwhelmed?" Paris asked.


Before the other could reply, the table grew silent, making Wesley look up to see the blue orbs that made his heart beat so fast that he felt like it would explode out of his chest.

"Look who finally showed up." Ruel commented.

Christopher didn't even bother replying to the other, as his eyes remained locked on Wes, who felt his throat tighten in pure fear.

He never met someone who could cause him a panic attack just from a simple stare.

Yet, here he was, barely keeping the anxiety attack at bay.

"What did I tell you?" Christopher asked.

All eyes fell on Wesley.

All eyes fell on Wesley

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