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"Oh hell no, Seth is not taking to your next class, I am taking you." Ruel said, grabbing Wesley's arm.

This made Seth groan, "Your class is all the way on the other side, you'll be late."

"I don't care, let me take him." Ruel commented, still holding on to the other. "I want him."

Seth looked at Paris, both stared at each other for a bit of time, before Seth raised his eyebrows. The other sighed, before speaking, "Ruel, there is no way in hell you'll be able to get him to class in time."

"Who said anything about taking him to class? I just want to take him." Ruel replied.

Paris grabbed the pair's wrist, pulling them apart, he let go of Wesley's wrist. "Come with me." He spoke to the asain.

"Suddenly you're possessive of me? I'm flattered, honestly." Ruel said, using his free hand to place over his heart and give the other a very dramatic 'I'm in love' look, before Paris dragged him down the corridor and to his next class.

Seth let out a breath of relief. "Let's get you to class." He smiled.

"You take medicine, yeah?" Wesley asked, when the two started walking.

The taller nodded. "Mostly everyone here is medicated, surprisingly, but that doesn't just fix everything. There, of course are some people who's issues aren't going to be fixed with it. I learned that a while ago."

"What do you mean?" Wesley asked.

"I thought getting diagnosed and getting medicine was going to fix all the things wrong with me. It helped a lot, but it doesn't just fix you and make you better. There's some things pills won't be able to change, you don't just become an instantly happy all the time person when you get anti-depression pills." Seth said, "You saw how I was this morning, because I forgot to take them. It's such a battle, plus the side effects of some of these medications doesn't even seem worth it, or even fair."

Wes stayed quiet for a moment at the two walked to his class. "Sorry," Seth spoke, as they rounded the corner to Wesley's class.

"Don't be, it has to suck." Seth nodded at the statement, as he stood beside the doorway, allowing Wesley to walk through it.

As Seth went to leave, he heard Wesley speak a bit loud so he could hear through the chatter of the students, "But it makes you a better person."

The statement made Seth smile, hearing such sweet words that held meaning made him feel sensitive. He wasn't use to kindness, especially from people he barely knows, he wasn't even use to it from his own parents.

Seth held so much anger from his parents, that decided to throw him in here, away from them so he was no longer their problem. At such a young age, Seth was known as a problem child, making him a handful for his parents, who were always throwing him to others to deal with.

When they found out about his mental illness, they were actually happy knowing now they could send him off somewhere else. Although, he was upset, being away from such toxic parents made him feel more relaxed. Seth no longer had to mask himself to please his parents or fake being the perfect son, regardless of them hating him.

Seth longed for the approval and acceptances of his family, but he knew that he could never reach their standards. It made him hate himself and soon the hate manifested into that of anger. He only felt power when making others fear him, it became like a drug and any small thing could make him snap.

When he was sent away to Roswell, he felt some relief, knowing that although he was struggling, he wasn't the only one. Seth hated the fact he lost control over his emotions, as if he didn't have enough things going out of control. Roswell gave him hope that once he was out of his parents house things could look up, as being away from suchbq toxic environment, helped him to accept his faults and not be crushed by the overbearing weight of them.

His parents had held Seth's emotions and feelings in their hands and didn't even notice. If his parents yelled at him and made him feel small, he would do the same, leading him down a pathway of anger and disgust. Seth knew he was an average highschool bully, with the cliché bad home life, but truth be told, he shut off the part of his brain that dealt with emotions.

It was easier to avoid rather than to feel. Yet, once Seth got to the school, it's like all the walls he built just collapsed, he was put on proper medication and had people validate his feelings. He was finally told that it was okay, he was okay.

Although, he still struggles with his anger and his mouth, his heart is healing and that's what matters the most.

Although, he still struggles with his anger and his mouth, his heart is healing and that's what matters the most

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