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After the pair broke away from the kiss, you couldn't wipe the smile off of Paris' face. It was as if Wesley had unlocked a new hidden character style in Paris, as he was clearly shy and his face flushed.

The two worked silently, unpacking the rest of Wesley's belongings. Once they were done, Paris had plopped down on the other's bed, letting out a sigh of relief. He reached his hand out, grapping Wes' wrist and lightly tugging the male down beside him.

Wes let out an 'oof' sound as he fell back into the mattress, Paris' hand slipped down and interlocked with the smaller's. "You won't keep pushing me away now, right?" He asked, his voice held a tone, that the other couldn't figure out.

"I have a hard time being close to others." Wesley admitted, "I lost a lot of good things in my life."

Paris hummed, "It's not like I can technically go anywhere." He teased.

"You know what I mean, I just don't want to get my hopes up everytime something good happens." Wesley mumbled out.

The African-American turned to look at Wes, a smile finding it way to his face, his perfect pearly whites on full display. "So you think I'm something good?" He asked and you couldn't hide the smugness in his voice.

"Don't make me take that back." Wesley warned, turning his head away from the other and looking at the ceiling.

He felt a hand rest on his cheek, before slowing pulling Wesley's face back to look at Paris, "Seriously though, I'm very happy you see me that way. I just don't want you to go back into your shell, I love being physical with the ones I like."

"P-Physical?" Wesley stuttered out, his voice squeaking a bit and his face flushed.

Paris let out a chuckle, "Intimacy doesn't have to be sexual. I just want you to feel comfortable enough for me to be able to show you affection." He explained.

The room fell silent, as Wesley's eyes darted away, almost instantly the smile on Paris' face disappeared. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm not really good at knowing what's appropriate, I grew up with no boundaries." Paris rambled out.

"It's not that, I-I just don't know if I can give you what you want. I've always had a hard time being close to people." Wesley admitted, letting go of Paris' hand and turning his body to fully face the other.

Paris followed the action, now fully turned to Wesley, "Can I ask why?" He asked, his eyes meeting Wesley's. There was a long pause of silence, as Wes looked around, as if the room held the words he wanted to speak.

"My parents were always so loving to me and affection, but when it came to myself, I never felt comfortable doing it back. When I got into my first relationship, they ended up dumping me after realizing I wasn't a good boyfriend. I couldn't express my admiration and I just wasn't able to provide them with what they wanted." Wesley explained, "I just never been comfortable enough with someone to be physical."

Paris sat for a moment, processing the new information, "Does that mean you haven't had sex?"

"I can barely hug a person, you think I'm going to strip down bare ass naked and do the devil's tango?" Wes asked and rolled his eyes.

The comment made Paris giggle, before pulling Wesley to him, holding him close to his chest. "I'll get you comfortable with showing affection, in due time."

"Keep waiting." Wes retorted.

"You're worth waiting for." Paris spoke, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Wesley's head, the action made the other pull back, letting out a weird noise and covering his face with his hands.

A bell sound went off and Paris sat up, "I'm off to geometry."

"That's your last class of the day? Yikes." Wes commented, "Mines English."

Paris let out a groan, standing up and offering his hand to Wesley, who took it. "Don't remind me of how painful it is or I won't walk you to class."

"Oh poor me, Prince Charming doesn't want to take me to the ball."

The comment made Paris drop Wesley's hand, "I deserve better." He spoke as he headed to the door and exited the door.

"Imma kill myself." Wesley mumbled, chasing Paris down the hall, who was now running and laughing at the game of cat and mouse.

Paris stumbled as he reached the door, "Prince Charming is leaving." He shouted, opening the door and falling right into someone.

"God fucking dammit!" Chris cursed out, pushing Paris off of him and standing up, "Regarde où tu vas, imbécile."

Wesley walked over, giving Paris a hand. The male gladly accepted, as he used it to help him up. Once Paris had fully stood up, Chris grabbed Wes and tugged the male back into the building, dragging him to a random room and closing the door behind him.

"What?" Was all Wes could ask, being completely confused on why Chris led him to a dorm room.

Chris stood there quietly as his eyes looked all around Wesley's face.

"...Oh okay, I have to get to class." Wes added, pointing with his thumbs to the door behind him.

As Wes turned around, Christopher finally spoke, "Why are you here?" He asked.

"You dragged me here." Wesley replied, turning on his heels.

"Not my room, imbécile. Why are you in Roswell?" He questioned.

The room remained quiet as Wesley shifted his weight from one foot to another. "Why are you here?"

"My mom cares too much." Was all he answered.

"And you don't care enough?" Wes asked back.


"I'm here because I don't care enough about living."

After another drowning silence filled the air, Chris asked, "Do you want to care?"

"Yeah, isn't that why we are here?"

"Some are here to get better, some don't care enough to do so."

"Are you one of the people who care?"

"I'll never be."


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