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Most of the morning classes were uneventful, as lunch rolled around, Wes was greeted with a unhappy Seth. "Let's go." He replied.

"Where's Ruel?"

"Doesn't matter, now let's go." He spoke, as he started walking without taking a glance at Wes to make sure he was following behind him.

Wes was quick to catch up, "Are you okay?"

"Can you just shut the fuck up?" Seth spat, instantly making Wesley bite down on his lower lip. "It's already fucking annoying enough as it is to have to collect you, I don't want to hear you either."

After a bit of walking, Wes had completely stopped following. He could no longer force himself to follow Seth, as he felt extremely uncomfortable to the point he felt tears welling up in his eyes. He decided to head towards the closest bathroom to recollect himself.

As he was walking, he bumped the shoulder of another student, not paying much attention, he replied with a simple, "Sorry," and carried on.

It wasn't until he made it to the bathroom that he realized whoever he bumped shoulders with was following him. He turned to the stranger and with tears now flowing out, he spat out a, "What?"

"Are you okay?" The stranger asked, instantly making Wesley feel bad for collecting such an attitude.

Wes nodded, "Yeah, yeah," He said, wiping his face, "A bit overwhelmed, thank you for asking."

"Hey, it's okay, you're new here aren't you?" The male asked and Wesley nodded. "I thought so, not many people would bump into me." He added, "I'm Jasper."

"Oh, um I'm Wesley, or Wes."

Jasper smiled at the other, "You should sit with me for lunch. I don't really have many friends here." He spoke sadly.

"I don't know, I mean if that's okay with you, I wouldn't mind it too much." Wes replied.

The other nodded happily, "Thank you, I'll do my best to make you feel comfortable." Jasper said, grabbing the male's hand, lacing their fingers together and leading the other towards the cafeteria. "I hope you don't mind hand holding."

"Ah no, it's fine." Wes replied as he was led to a completely empty table. Jasper sat down his items, Wesley following.

"Alright, let's get something to eat. What would you like? I can get it for you." Jasper said.

The other shook his head, "It's fine, I can get it myself."

"No, no, it's okay, I want to treat you for being so nice and sitting with me." The blonde replied, "What would you like?" He asked.

Wes thought for a moment, "I really don't know, surprise me." He replied, making the other nod and practically skip turns the line. Wesley watched his actions, noticing that the second the male entered the line, everyone seemed to move to let him pass.

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