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"You two won't be there?" Wes asked, the anxiety lurking upon him at the thought of his parents not being there for him.

His mother sighed, "I truly wish we could be there to counsel you and make you feel safe, but we were both unable to clear a few days from work."

Wes let out an unsteady breath, his hand started to tremble as he reached for the door. His eyes looked at the planes that were taking off, making him more apprehensive. "Wesley, you're going to be okay. I know it's scary, but once you get there and get into their schedule, it will be easier. Right now you're going into the unknown and it can be scary, but you got this and we already made sure everything is ready. If you feel anxious or nervous, call us, we will be there for you."

Wes nodded, "okay, okay." He spoke, taking a deep breath before exiting the car and looking around at the airport. His nerves were all over the place as he grabbed the suitcases and bags from the trunk of the car.

He started taking small steps to the main entrance, turning around to see his parents sending him soft smiles, and started waving to the male.

Wesley waved back, before entering the crowded facility, slowly making his way to an empty seat away from most people. He dreamed his parents were able to stay and calm him down with their reassuring smiles and back pats, but sadly he was alone a familiar feeling.

He knew if he needed them, he could call them, yet he wanted to prove to himself he could do this without them. He would finally be on his own, without his parents supporting him and being there when Wes expected it, it was a new experience.

"Now boarding D4, now boarding D4."

Wes could feel the anxiety trickling upon him, his heart felt like it was going ten times faster than it was supposed to and all the air that was once inside the male's lungs gradually swept away.

With unsteady hands, he grabbed his suitcase and bags, standing up and heading to the line that was forming, all the people who were boarding the same flight to the United Kingdom.

As his eyes scanned around, looking at the people, he felt even more uncomfortable. Everyone around him seemed to be fine as if their life was completely under control and none of them had the same fear that Wesley had.

As the line was moving, Wes tried to mind his business, but when he heard the name 'Roswell', leave someone's mouth. He turned his head a bit, but it seemed to be of none use, as whoever spoke the familiar name was not speaking English, instead it sounded like some sort of French dialect.

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