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"You want to see my wolf?" I say anxiously as I look around to see if anyone is listening.

"Yeah Wonderland. Surprising as it might be for you, if you want to make it onto one of my squads you will actually have to fight in wolf form sometimes." Gamma Cole deadpans.

"I...umm...I think there's something I need to explain...maybe it's in my file..." I say, looking away, whilst shifting on my feet nervously. I knew this would come up sooner or later, but even though I've practised what I'd say in this situation I'm left totally tongue tied.

"I know you're a silver." Gamma Cole states flatly.

My eyes snap to Gamma Cole's in shock, my dad had always told me to keep the colour of my wolf a secret. Like it was something to be ashamed of.

"So, you know she's a bit uncontro...I mean she's listed as a category three...but I guess you know that already. Of course, you know that! I mean you're the Gamma, you know everything right..." I fumble and stumble out. God, someone somewhere please stop me from talking.

Gamma Cole puts his hands on his hips and stares at me with that normal bored look on his face waiting for me to shut up. "Are you done?"

"Yeah." I say grumbling, already knowing that the heat is rising once more across my face.

"Good and yes, I also know that you were registered as a category three." Gamma Cole says sternly, but for once he's the one that seems to avoid my eye contact as he rubs hand over his chin before clearing his throat.

Fuck, this must be bad if he doesn't even want to look at me. My wolf whines in my head as my heart drops, for some reason she hates the idea of the Gamma thinking badly of us. Even though he's a total dick half the time, even I can admit that he's an amazing teacher, I'm already on level two blade from working with him.

", I've decided I'm gonna take you for a private run away from the complex and take a look at your wolf." Cole explains as he turns and starts to walk towards the woods.

"What? Just like me and you? You and me?" I shout after him as I start to jog to keep up with him.

He looks over his shoulder as he keeps walking towards the tree line and raises an eyebrow at me, the simple act alone telling me he thinks I'm a fucking idiot, so I snap my mouth shut and keep following.

After a few minutes we arrive at a clearing, Gamma Cole stops and looks around before he turns to me and folds his arms over. "Right Wonderland, I've mind linked the patrols to stay clear of this area for the next hour. We're gonna shift and run to Martha's Ridge then back here. Got it?"

I nod enthusiastically, my wolfs excited to be let out in the forest for a change instead of being constricted to our farmland.

"Do you know how to mind link in wolf form?" He questions, embarrassed I just shake my head whilst chewing my bottom lip. I know these are the basic taught at school, but I was never allowed to participate and always had to sit wolf training out.

"Right." Puffs out the Gamma as I look at my feet.

I watch as Gamma Cole turns and starts to head behind a tree to get ready for the shift when my wolf suddenly surges forwards annoyed. Hands on my hips I growl at him before I can stop myself. "Hey! What do you think you're doing Gamma?"

Gamma Cole stops in his tracks and turn back to look at me with his face like thunder. I really need to practice a more respectful tone around this wolf, but my mouth just won't shut up.

GAMMA COLE & THE SILVER WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now