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"Only speak when you're spoken too. The Alpha demands respects from all, especially from outsiders." Growls a husky voice near my ear.

I nod, but I doubt the warrior wolf whose gripping my arm painfully can tell due to the huge hessian hood that was thrown over my head as soon as I entered the Black Mountain Pack territory. A shiver runs through my body, but it's not from fear, I'm absolutely freezing.

Once again, I'm in stolen clothes that I found near the packs border but they are far from adequate for the snowy conditions of the mountains. However, it was either these clothes or run the risk of having to walk into the pack naked on arrival.

The warrior that is holding me finally comes to a halt and I stumble a little over my feet before I stand still listening all around to try and get my bearings. After walking for nearly two hours on a rocky, snow-covered inclined path, I know that we are now inside the pack house from the change of heat, sound and feel from under foot. It's a happy relief to be inside, but I'm still freezing and in dire need of warm clothes and food.

Before I can think any further about what my next move will be, the hood that's been blinding me is whipped off my head and I scrunch my eyes up to adjust to the light. As my vision comes back into focus, I scan around the room nervously, surprised to find I'm already stood in Alpha Lucas study and not in the main hall as I'd first thought. The room is small and practical. There is a lot of bare brick and wood on show and several deer, elk and even moose antlers adored on the walls and part of the light fixtures. One wall is covered in books and there are maps attached here and there around the room also.

My eyes snap to Alpha Lucas who is sat behind a huge wooden desk looking at me up and down, trying to figure me out, no doubt this pack rarely has strangers here. Alpha Lucas is identical to his brother Alpha Drake in almost every way apart from Lucas has some dark streaks through his light hair, compared to Drake whose hair is almost completely white. Alpha Lucas's cold blue eyes fix on mine, and I quickly submit my neck then bow in respect before slowly looking back up to him apprehensively. Both Alpha brothers are huge, they both give off powerful aura's and all I can think of when I look at either of them is that they look like Viking Kings.

"You smell like home." Alpha Lucas grumbles as he sits back in his chair and looks me over.

"Greetings Alpha Lucas. That's correct, I'm from your brother's pack..." I begin to say.

"You're strayed very far from the Grey Crescent Pack. You've either had something bad happen to you or you're the one that's been bad. Which one is it?" Alpha Lucas says flatly as he watches me carefully.

"I'm not a threat." I say earnestly, but my remark just makes Alpha Lucas and the three other warriors surrounding me bark with laughter.

"No shit." Says the warrior nearest to me, the wolf I guess dragged me up the mountain and left claw marks in my arm.

I scowl at the men laughing at me, just as I'm about argue my case when there's a knock on the door and another warrior enters.

"Apologies Alpha, but there's a Beta Jay from the Grey Crescent Pack on the phone saying he needs to speak with you urgently. He wants to know if any of his pack members have crossed your borders in the last twenty-four hours" Begins the warrior.

Fear grips me, I dash forward to the Alpha desk and slam my hands on his desk. "Please, I'm begging you. Please don't tell him I'm here." I plead as Alpha Lucas looks at me in shock.

A nearby warrior swiftly grabs me back and restrains me, holding my arms tightly behind my back until tears sting my eyes from the pain. "Please. Not him. He can't know I'm here." I repeat with anguish to Alpha Lucas.

GAMMA COLE & THE SILVER WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now