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"Why is it, brother, that whenever you talk to me it sounds like you're delivering one our fathers lectures. I agreed to the union. She's on her way. So will you just have a drink and chill the fuck out already." Growls Alpha Lucas as he shoves a whiskey glass into Alpha Drakes hand before he walks around his desk and slumps into his chair then throws back his own drink in one swift motion.

I watch Drakes eyes flare with anger before he slams his glass back onto the desk without taking a single sip

"... and you just sent for her like she's a fucking Omega? She's an Alpha female, a prize in these parts. I swear to fucking god if her safety is risked because you're too lazy to go down their your fucking self..." Drake snarls back.

"Calm down Drake. Allannah is safe, I've sent my Delta squad to collect her." Lucas replies as if bored.

"You sent your fucking boyfriend to pick up your new Luna?" Snaps Drake, now on his feet, fists clenched.

"Oliver is one of my best, don't ever question his loyalty to me. Whatever the task." Lucas seethes.

Time to shut this shit down.

Huffing, I get to my feet and walk over to the desk, picking up Drake's whiskey and knocking it back in one go. Both Alpha's glare at me, there aura's making my skin prickle, but I don't walk away. I'm used to their bullshit squabbles. We all grew up together, and before Lucas left the pack at sixteen, we were always close.

"Oliver's an excellent warrior and Captain, I don't doubt his abilities to protect lady Allannah." I say to Lucas which seems to calm him instantly, he nods his thanks before sitting back in his chair a little more relaxed.

"If you have further concerns for the Lady's safety, do you wish me to run my wolf down to the Red River pack and accompany the convoy if that brings peace to your mind?" I say turning my attention to Drake.

I see a conflicted look across his face before he shakes his head begrudgingly, reaches for the whiskey and pours himself a new drink and downs it in one go making Lucas grin.

Alliances with packs are never easy to negotiate, most wolves prefer to avoid arranged matches for mates and wait for their wolves to call to another. Marking another wolf should never be taken lightly as wolves tend to mate for life and breaking a union is a rarity as it can hurt your wolf when the bond snaps. My mind wanders and I think about Alice, how good she would've looked with my crescent shaped mark on her neck letting everyone know that she's mine. I clench down on my teeth hard as pain and regret surges once more through me as my wolf whines in my head. He's not forgiven me for letting Alice go either.

"You sure you wanna do this?" I blurt out looking at Lucas.

"Cole!" growls Drake in a warning tone.

"Listen, I get it. You want to be the Alpha to a decent pack and Alpha Bryson has no other heir, so Allannah is the perfect Luna choice... but will you be happy? What happens with Oliver?" I question.

"Cole! We just went through all this in the fucking car. Leave it." Growls Drake once more, but I can't leave it. I don't want Lucas feeling like how I do from making the wrong choice.

Lucas pours himself another drink before looking at his brother then back to me. "What choice do I have? I'm damned if I do, I'm damned if I don't." Lucas scowls.

"I'm sorry brother, but you have no future if you take Oliver as a mate." Drake says quietly.

"I'd have no heir, but I'd have a future." Mutters Lucas into his glass.

GAMMA COLE & THE SILVER WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now