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I've always loved the packs bonfire parties. The crackles of the wood, the swirls of the flames and the warmth it leaves against my skin always makes me smile. The sparks near the top look like dancing fireflies in the dark night sky, I could literally sit all night watching them.

Tonight, the pack are holding the annual bonfire and BBQ in honour of the Alpha's birthday. Unlike many events my father never allowed me to go to, the Alphas Birthday was a mandatory event that all pack members had to attend. However, my father always stuck to me like glue the entire time, so we never stayed long. Tonight though, as I'm eighteen, I'm finally free to be here as long as I wish, and I plan to actually have my first alcoholic drink!

The path from the Grad school's dorms to the bonfire party is a twenty-minute walk through the forest. I don't have a lot of girly clothes as they were never needed on the farm. However, I did sneak out a few items of my mums when I packed for grad school just in case events like this cropped up.

As the evening is hot and balmy, I've dressed in a plain black Cami top with lace trim and denim shorts that luckily are so old they've actually come back into fashion. I've arrived later than most as I couldn't decide what to wear, so most of the pups have now gone home. Usually, I'd of also been pulled away by now my dad by this time and I can see why he'd freak, everyone is drinking heavily and dancing hard to the loud music around the fire. People are making out with each other, and some are even stumbling away in to the dark treeline to do god knows what.

Taking a deep breath, I scan around to try and spot Beta Jay, feeling disappointed when I can't see him anywhere. Well, I can't just stand here! Raising my chin to muster my courage and walk over to the drinks table and look over what's on offer. I've never socialised much before let alone drank before so this is well out of my comfort zone!

Chewing on my lip, I reach down and go to grab a beer when a large hand wraps around my wrist stopping me. I look up to see prick face Theo Clark smirking at me. I try to yank my hand back, but he holds it tighter making me wince with pain, dragging me closer to him so I can smell the booze on his breath. He's drunk, everything about him disgusts me.

"Let go." I seethe.

"Don't drink that. I've got something that I think you'd like. It's back in my dorm." Clark flicks his head towards the darkened forest path, then wets his lips making me cringe. "Come on Alice. Let's have some fun together. I bet you taste so-fucking-good." He groans out as his fingertips play with my lace strap with his free hand.

"She said let go. If you don't, I'll break your fucking wrists clean off." Growls a voice from behind us.

I look back and see Beta Jay stepping out from the darkness. The flickers of the bonfire creating shadows across his face that make him look truly terrifying and dangerous. Shortly afterwards Gamma Cole appears also to stand at his side. If I thought Beta looked scary there's no doubt in my mind that the Gamma is a total barbarian in battle. The auras from both the Beta and the Gamma mix in the air making my skin prickle from the power that radiates from them both.

Looking pissed, Clark drops his hand from my wrist before he hastily darts away to a big group of rowdy wolves not sparing me another glance.

"Asshole." I mutter as I see him slump down on a log then slap the ass off a nearby she wolf who curses at him before she storms off.

"Hey, are you OK?" Beta Jay frowns at me, he picks up my wrist that's now slightly bruised and kisses it tenderly making me gasp with surprise.

"Oh...umm...yeah that guys always been a pain in the ass. Thank you, hopefully he's got the message now."

GAMMA COLE & THE SILVER WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now