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As I force my heavy eye lids open, the first thing I notice is that my clothes have been changed. I'm now in a black, silky, flowing nightdress but my hand are still tied. As soon as I sit up straight in the fur covered bed my head spins, my brain fogs once more as if I'm swimming under water. I close my eyes to call to my wolf, but still nothing.

"Forgive me my love, I had to give you a little top up dose of wolfsbane to keep you... compliant."

My eyes snap open as I look over to the corner of the luxuriously decorated bedroom to find Jay sitting comfortably in an armchair sipping on a drink. I naturally shuffle back against the headboard as his eyes scan over me hungrily before he puts down his glass. My heart races when realisation hits, I'm trapped in the wolfs den.

"Fuck you." I seethe.

"Come now, you left me no choice. You attacked three Omega's trying to bathe you, you really are quite something." Jay says as he licks his lips. "That being said, I enjoyed watching you in the bath considerably."

"Stay away from me." I grit out as I try to cover my chest with my arms. The nightdress exposing more skin than I'd like.

"So beautiful." Jay mutters as his eyes darken even further and he pushes up from the seat, slowly prowling towards me. Fear grips me as the well-dressed Devil draws near.

Fuck. This!

Pushing myself off the bed with every ounce of strength I have, I try to escape but instantly stumble as my legs give way. Before I can slam onto the floor Jay wraps his arm arounds me and throws me back onto the bed with bruising force. I gasp for breath as he flips me over so my back hits against the mattress as he climbs on top of me, pinning my tied wrists above my head aggressively. Jay nudges my legs apart with his own making me gasp when I feel his hard erection digging into my core through his trousers.

"Please, don't." I whisper in panic as Jay pants heavily right by face.

"You're mine." Jay quietly growls as his free hand pinches my chin firmly then slams him lips onto mine forcing his tongue into my mouth against my will. His warm roaming tongue makes me feel sick as fresh tears spring from my eyes as I struggle to get him off me.

Jay is just so strong. My fighting only seems to excite him as he breaks the kiss from my lips and starts licking and sucking on my throat, groaning loudly as he fully tastes my scent from my neck for the first time. I stop breathing when his free hand trails down my body further until he roughly starts to massage on one of my breasts causing me to sob out with despair as I desperately try and pull away from his grip.

"Fuck Alice. Let's find out just how wet I make you." Groans Jay as his hand slithers down my body further until he reaches the hem of my silk nightdress, and he slides his hand underneath making my whole body tenses up.


A loud alarm bell thunders loudly making Jay freeze his attack and look up over his shoulder frowning.

"Fuck." Jay seethes as he resentfully pushes himself off me and storms to the window before growling loudly with rage. "How the fuck did they get in here." Jay spits out as he slams a fist against the wall.

Whilst Jay's distracted, I push myself back up into a sitting position and quickly scan around the room for a weapon. An ornate letter opener sits on a desk near to the bed and I pounce for it before Jay can even turnaround. The letter opener is heavily unbalanced, but sharp enough to make some damage. I fall to my knees in my weakened state but focus all my energy in throwing the opener with everything I have, straight at Jays back.

But Jay's quick to react after hearing me fall to the floor, he spins away from the window frowning however my throw is a strong one and lodges into his arm pinning him to the wall behind. As Jay roars with fury, I scramble to my feet and stumble to the door flinging it open. My heart pounds so hard in my chest it hurts.

The poison from the wolfsbane makes it impossible for me to run at my full speed and I find myself stumbling and fumbling down the darkened hallway still in my flimsy gown with my hands still bound. As I pass a window, I see a mass of warriors fighting in the courtyard. Pride and hope swells in my chest when I see it's a mixture of Black Mountain and Grey Crescent wolves fighting Jays warriors ... and then I see him.

Cole is fighting four wolves at once, his movements are brutal and barbaric, no one comes close to his speed or strength. My wolf lifts her head for the first time in hours. The way she always reacts when Cole is nearby.

On instinct I smash the locked window with my elbow and scream as loud as I can across the mass of wolves. "COLE!!!"

I stand panting at the broken window as Coles eyes snap to mine instinctively, his jaw drops open at seeing me before his wolf eye shine. Within a heartbeat, Cole storms towards the packhouse in my direction throwing any wolf warrior out of his way with ease that dares to block his path. My relief is short lived however when Jay creeps up behind me and slams me back into his arms.

"Mine! Cole will never have you!" Jay growls in my ear possessively as I thrash in his arms. My wolf's energy slowly starting to flow back into my veins as the wolfsbane poison begins to start wearing off.

"COLE!!!" I scream once more as I cling onto the broken window frame, the glass shredding the skin on my palms.

"ALICE!" he roars back making my heart race with hope until Jay finally pulls me away from the window and carries me away down the darkened hallway.

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